सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

अन्यभावव्यावृत्तेश्च ॥११॥

अन्यभावोऽन्यत्वम् । 'अदृष्ठं द्रष्टृ' इत्यादिना परमात्मनोऽन्यत्वं ह्यस्याक्षरस्य व्यावर्तयति वाक्यशेषः । अतश्च पर एव ॥

ईक्षतिकर्माधिकरणम् ४

ईक्षतिकर्म व्यपदेशात्सः ॥१२॥

'यः पुनरेतं त्रिमात्रेणोमित्यनेनैवाक्षरेण परमपुरुषमभिध्यायीत' इत्यारभ्य 'स एतस्माज्जीवघनात्परात्परं पुरिशयं पुरुषमीक्षते' इत्यत्र


And on account of the negation of being other than that (the Highest Self).

'Being other' means 'being different' . The further portion of the sentence' The unseen Seer, the unheard Hearer' nagates the difference between the Aksara and the Highest Self. Therefore He is the Highest One only.


12.lkatikarma vyapadesatsaha

He (the Highest Self) is the object of seeing, because there is declaration of His essential characteristics.

The scriptural passage beginning with 'But he, who meditates with this syllable, Om, of three Matras on the Highest Persons' and ending with 'he sees the Person dwelling in the castle and Higher than the high, greater