सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
प्रथमाध्याये तृर्तीयः पादः

वादित्वमेवमेव समञ्जसम् । अतिवादित्वं हि स्वोपास्यपुरुषार्थाधिक्यवादित्वम् । तदल्पमित्यल्पप्रतियोगित्वेन भूमेत्युक्तप्रकारवैपुल्यविशिष्टसुखरूपवाची' । अयं भूमशब्दव्यपदिष्टः परमात्मा, संप्रसादादध्युपदेशात् । संप्रसादः प्रत्यगात्मा, 'अथ य एष संप्रसादः' इत्यादिश्रुतेः । 'एष तु वा अतिवदति यः सत्येन' इत्यादिना प्राणशब्दनिर्देिष्टात् प्रत्यगात्मन ऊर्ध्वमर्थान्तरत्वेनास्योपदेशात् ॥

धर्मोपपत्तेश्च ॥८॥

could be reasonably maintained only on the acceptance of this fact. The Ativadin (i.e. one, who speaks on High) is one, who is the object of his devotion, speaks of it as highly beneficial to man. The word Bhuman, that is the counter term of the 'little' speaks of the abundance of pleasure, possessed by Him as stated above. What is denoted by the word Bhuman, is the Highest Self; because the Bhuman is said greater than the individual self. The word, Samprasada occuring in the Sutra means the individual self. The scriptural text is this-'Then this is the (Samprasada) individual self' (Chand. VIII-3-4). Consider the text, 'But he is an Ati'vadin, who makes a supreme declaration by means of the Truth' (Chand. III-16). What is taught here is the Person, who is different from and higher than the individual self, who is denoted by the word Prana.


On account of the attributes being suitable (to the Highest Self).

1 स्वरूपवाचि, M 3;