सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

निष्कलं निष्क्रियं शान्तं निरवद्यं निरञ्जनम्' 'नित्यो नित्यानां चेतनश्चेतनानामेको बहूनां यो विदधाति कामान्' । नित्यानां बहूनां वेतनानां य एको नित्यश्चेतनः कामान् विदधातीत्यर्थः | 'पतिं विश्व- यात्मेश्वरम्' इत्यादिषु प्रत्यगात्मनः परमात्मनश्च कर्मवश्यत्वेन शोचि- त्वेनासर्वज्ञत्वेनोपासनायत्तमुक्तित्वेन निरवद्यत्वेन सर्वज्ञत्वेन सत्यसंकल्पत्वेन सर्वेश्वरत्वेन समस्तकल्याणगुणाकरत्वादिना च स्वरूपस्वभावनानात्वव्यप देशात् । तयोरेव 'तत्बमस्ति' अयमात्मा ब्रह्म' 'योऽसौ सोऽहं, सोऽहं सोऽसौ' 'अथ योऽन्यां देवतामुपास्ते अन्योऽसावन्योऽहम- मीति न स वेद' 'अकृत्स्नो ह्येषः + आत्मेत्येवोपासंति' ' ब्रह्म दाशा

12. 'He is without parts, without action, tranquil and without defect, without taint' (S've. VI-19). 13. 'He, who is the Eternal among the eternals, the intelligent among the intelligents, fulfils the desires of many, being Himself only one' (S've. VI-13). 14. 'He is the Lord of the entire world, and the master of one's Self' (Maha. Ndr. 1-3). The Brahman pervades all the individual souls. There.. fore He is mentioned as one with them. The authorities are :- (1) 'That thou art' (Chand. VI-8-7). (2) 'This self is the Brahman' (Br. VI.4.5). (3) 'Therefore whatever that (deity) is, that am 1 and whatever I am, that is that (deity) , (Ait. Ar. II-2-46). (4) 'And then he, who worships that deity who is distinct, thinking that (that deity) is separate and he (the worshipper) is separate, he does not know the truth' (Br. [.4-10). (5) , This (the Jiva) is imperfect + should worship Him the Brahman) as his self' (Br. I-4-7).

1अनित्यानामिति छित्वा व्याख्यान्तरं कृतमुपनिषद्भाष्ये.