सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

M. Bh. on P. VI. 4.174.

स्वरसहितोच्चारण recital of the Veda Samhita text with intonation or accents, as contrasted with एकश्रुत्यु- च्चारण which is specially prescribed in a few cases; tonal system showing distinction between words of different senses although pronounced alike, in the Samhita text. e.g. नतेन and न तेन.

स्वरार्थ for purposes of accent, meant for accent; cf. अवश्यं चैषा परिभाषा ( असिद्धं बहिरङ्गमन्तरङ्गे ) आश्रयितव्या स्वरार्थम् M. Bh. on P. I. 1.57.

स्वरित the circumflex accent, the accent between the acute (.उदात्त) and the grave ( अनुदात्त); for details see स्वर.

स्वरितकरण marking or characterizing by a svarita accent, as is supposed to have been done by Panini when he wrote down his sutras of grammar as also the Dhatupatha, the Ganapatha and other sub- sidiary appendixes. Although the rules of the Astadhyayi are not recited at present with the pro- per accents possessed by the various vowels as given by the Sutrakara, still, by convention and traditional explanation, cer- tain words are to be believed as| possessed of certain accents. In the Dhatupatha, by oral tradition the accents of the several roots are known by the phrases अथ स्वरितेतः, अथाद्युदाताः, अथान्तेादात्ताः, अथानुदात्तेतः put therein at different places. In the sutras, a major purpose is served by the circumflex accent with which such words, as are to conti- nue to the next or next few or next many rules, have been marked. As the oral tradition, according to which the Sutras are recited at present, has preserevd no acc-


ents, it is only the authoritative word, described as pratijna of the ancient grammarians, which now is available for knowing the svarita. The same holds good in the case of nasalization ( अानुनासिक्य ) which is used as a factor for determining the indicat- ory nature of vowels as stated by the rule उपदेशेजनुनासिक इत्; cf. प्रतिज्ञानुनासिक्याः पाणिनीयाः S. K. on P. I.3.2.

स्वरितप्रतिज्ञा the conventional dictum that a particular rule or part of a rule, is marked with the accent स्वरित which enables the gramma- rians to decide that that rule or that part of a rule is to occur in each of the subsequent Sutras, the limit of continuation being ascertained from convention. It is possible that Panini in his original recital of the Astadhyayi recited the words in the rules with the necessary accents; probably he recited every word, which was not to proceed further, with one acute or with one circumflex vowel, while, the words which were to proceed to the next rule or rules, were marked with an actual cir- cumflex accent ( स्वरित ), or with a neutralization of the acute and the grave accents (स्वरितत्व), that is, probably without accents or by एकश्रुति or by प्रचय; cf स्वरितेनाधिकार: P. I.3.II and the Mahabhasya thereon.

स्वरितेत्marked with a mute circumflex vowel; the term is used in conne- ction with roots in the Dhatupatha which are said to have been so marked for the purpose of indicat- ing that they are to take personal endings of both the padas; cf. स्वरितञिततः कर्त्रभिप्राये क्रियाफले P. I.3.72.

स्वरूपग्रहण mention by the verbal form,