सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

breaking it from the conjunct con- sonants; cf. स्फोटनं नाम पिण्डीभूतस्य संयोगस्य पृथगुश्चरणम् स दोषो वा न वा । V. Pr.IV.165.

स्फोटनिरूपण name of a work discuss- ing the nature of Sphota written by Apadeva.

स्फोटवाद a general name given to treatises discussing the nature of Sphota written by the Vaiyaka- ranas who defend and establish the theory of Sphota and by the Naiyayikas who criticise the theory. Famous among these works are (1) स्फोटवाद by a stalwart Gramma- rian Kondabhatta, the author of the Vaiyakaramabhusana and (2) स्फोटवाद by NageSa, the reputed grammarian of the eighteenth century.

स्फोटसिद्धान्त the doctrine of Sphota, as advocated by the grammarians and criticised by others. See the word स्फोट,

स्फीटसिद्धि (1) name of a short treatise on the nature of Sphota, written by a grammarian named Bharata MiSra; (2) name of a short disquisition on Sphota by Mandanamisra.

स्फोटायन an ancient grammarian referred to by Panini in the rule अवङ् स्फोटायनस्य P.VI.1.123. Great grammarians like Haradatta observe that this स्फोटायन was the first advocate of the Sphota theory and hence he was nicknamed स्फोटायन; cf. स्फोटः अयनं परायणं यस्य सः स्फोटायनः स्फोटप्रतिपादनपरो वैयाकरणाचार्यः । Padamajari on P. VI.1.123.

स्मात् case-ending स्मात् substituted for the ablative sing. case-affix ङसि placed after pronouns; cf. ङसिङयोः स्मात्स्मिनौ P. VII. 1. 15, 16.

स्मृति an authoritative dictum of an ancient grammarian before the

famous author of the Varttikas;cf. तथा च स्मृतिः श्तिपा शापानुबन्धेन निर्दिष्ट्ं etc, Siradeva Pari. 68.

स्मै case ending स्मै, substituted for the dative sing. case-affix ङे after pronouns; cf. सर्मनाम्न स्मै P. VII.1.14.

स्य (1) case-ending स्य substituted for the genitive singular case-affix after bases ending in अ; cf. टाङसिङसामि- नात्स्याः P. VII.1.12; (2) Vikarana affix स्य placed before the personal endings of लृट् and लृङ् (the second future tense and the conditional mood); cf स्यतासी लृलुटोः P. III.1.33.

स्याद् augment स्या affixed to a case- affix marked with the mute ङ् i.e. ङे, ङसि, ङस् and ङि of the dat. abl. gen. and loc. singular after a pronoun and optionally after तृतीय and द्वितीय ending with the fem. affix अा; cf. सर्वस्यै सर्वस्याः सर्वस्याम् द्वितीयस्यै, द्वितीयाय, तृतीयस्यै, तृतीयाय; cf. P. VII. 3.114, 115.

स्यादि the Vikaranas headed by the Vikarana स्य mentioned in P.III.1. 33 upto III.1.90.

स्व (1) personal-ending of the second person sing. Atmanepada in the imperative mood; cf थासः से । सवाभ्यां वामौ । P.III.4.80, 91 ; (2) a term used in the sense of स्ववर्गीय (belon- ging to the same class or category) in the Pratisakhya works; cf स्पर्र्शः स्वे R.T.25; cf. also कान्त् स्वे R. T. 1. 55;cf.also R, Pr.IV.1 ; and VI.1 ;(3) cognate, the same as सवर्ण defined by Panini in तुल्यास्यप्रयत्नं सवर्णम् P. P.I.1.9; the term is found used in the Jain grammar works of Jaine- ndra, Sakatayana and Hemacanda cf Jain. I.1.2 Sik- I. 1.2; Hema. I.1.17.

स्वतन्त्र lit. independent; independ- ent in activity; the subject or agent of an action ( कर्ता ) is defin- ed as स्वतन्त्र independent in his