सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

utterance in the mouth in their pronunciation; cf. कादयो भावसानाः स्पर्शाः S.K. Samjnaprakarana on P. VIII. 2.1; cf. also अाद्याः स्पर्शाः पञ्च ते पञ्चवर्गाः R.Pr. I.78: cf. also T.Pr.I.7.

स्पष्टार्थ an expression used often by commentators with reference to a line or a passage of the text the meaning of which is clear and no explanation is necessary.

स्पृष्ट name of one of the four inter- nal efforts when the instrument ( करण) of articulation fully touches the sthana or the place of the production of sound in the mouth. See the word स्पर्श above; तत्र स्पृष्टं| प्रयतनं स्पर्शानाम् S.K. on P. VIII.2.1 ; cf. also M.Bh. on P.I.1.9.

स्फ a short technical term used in the Jainendra Vyakarana instead of the संयेाग in Panini's grammar.

स्फोट name given to the radical Sabda which communicates the meaning to the hearers as different from ध्वनि or the sound in ordinary experien- ce. The Vaiyakaranas,who followed Panini and who were headed by Bhartruhari entered into discussions regarding the philosophy of Gra- mmar, and introduced by way of deduction from Panini's grammar, an important theory that शब्द which communicates the meaning is different from the sound which is produced and heard and which is merely instrumental in the mani- festation of an internal voice which is called Sphota. स्फुटयतेनेन अर्थः इति स्फोटः or स्फोटः शब्दो ध्वनिस्तस्य व्यायमा- दुपजायते Vakyapadiya; cf. also अभि- व्यक्तवादको मध्यमावस्थ आन्तरः शब्दः Kai- yata's Pradipa. For, details see Vakyapadiya I and Sabdakaustu- bha Ahnika 1. It is doubtful whether this Sphota theory was.

advocated before Panini. The word स्फोटायन has been put by Panini in the rule अवङ् स्फोटायनस्य only inciden- tally and, in fact, nothing can be definitely deduced from it although Haradatta says that स्फोटायन was the originator of the स्फोटवाद. The word स्फोट is not actually found in the Pratisakhya works. However, commentators on the Pratisakhya works have introduced it in their explanations of the texts which describe वर्णोत्पत्ति or production of sound; cf. com. on R.Pr.XIII.4, T.Pr. II.1. Grammarians have given various kinds of sphota; cf. स्फोटो द्विधा । व्यक्तिस्फोटो जातिस्फोटश्च। व्यक्ति- स्पोटः सखण्ड अखण्डश्च । सखण्ड। वर्णपदवाक्य- भेदेन त्रिधा। अखण्डः पदवाक्यभेदेन द्विधा । एवं पञ्च व्यक्तिस्फोटाः। जातिस्फोटः वर्ण- पदवाक्यभेदेन त्रिधा। इत्येवमष्टौ स्फोटः तत्र अखण्डवाक्यस्फोट एव मुख्य इति नव्याः । वाक्य जातिस्फोट इति तु प्राञ्चः॥; cf. also पदप्रकृतिः संहिता इति प्रातिशाख्यमत्र मानम् । पदानां प्रकृतिरिति षष्ठीतत्पुरुषे अखण्डवाक्यस्फो- टपक्षः । बहुव्रीहौ सखण्डबाक्यस्फोटः ॥

स्फोटचटक a small treatise on the theory of Sphota by a sound modern scholar of Vyakarana and Nyaya, by name Krisnasastri Arade who lived in Benaras in the earlier part of the nineteenth century.

स्फोटचन्द्रिका a small treatise on the theory of Sphota written by Jaya- krsna Mauni of the famous Maunin family. The author is known as Krsnabhatta also.

स्फोटतत्त्वानिरूपण a work on the Sphota theory by the famous grammarian Krsnasesa of the Sesa family of grammarians.

स्फोटन(1) manifestation of the sense of a word by the external sound or dhvani; the same as sphota; (2) separate or distinct pronuncia- tion of a consonant in a way by