सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

undergoing them which is called शास्त्रातिदेश and (2) actual restoration to the form of the original under certain conditions only as prescri- bed which is called रूपातिदेश. The रूपातिदेश is actually resorted to by some grammarians in the case of the reduplication of roots; cf. Kas. on द्विवेचनेचि P.I.1.59 and M.Bh. on P.I.1.59.See the word रूपातिदेश also. For details see Vol. VII p.p. 241- 243, Vyākarana Mahabhasya D.E. Society's Edition.

स्थानेद्विर्वचनपक्ष one of the two alter- native views regarding reduplica- tion according to which two word- ings or units of the same form replace the original single word- ing, cf. स्थानेद्विर्वचनपक्षे स्थानिवद्भावात्प्रकृति व्यपदेशः Siradeva Pari. 68.The other kind of reduplication is called द्विः- प्रयोगाद्विर्वचनपक्ष which looks upon re- duplication as the mere placing of an exactly similar unit or wording after the original first unit. This alternative view is accepted in the Kasika: cf. Kas. on P. VI.1.1.

स्थानेयोगा a variety of the genitive case when it is connected in sense with the Pratipadika by the relationship of स्थान or place, as contrasted with the relationships of the kind of विषय- विषयिभाब, अवयवावयविभाव and others. As grammar is a science of words,in those places where one word is me- ntioned for another by the use of the genitive case it should be und- erstood that the word mentioned is to be substituted for the other;cf the rule of Panini for that purpose षष्ठी स्थानेयोगा explained by Bhattoji Diksita as अानिर्धारितसंबन्धविशेषा षष्ठी स्था- नेयोगा बोध्या; cf. S.K. on P.I.1.49. In some grammars the sthanin and adesa are expressed in the same case, Viz. the nominative case.

स्थान्यादेशाभाव the relation between

the original and the substitute which is described as of two kinds (1) supposed and actual; cf.अानुमा- निकस्थान्यादेशभावकल्पनेपि श्रौतस्थान्योदशभा- वस्य न त्यागः Pari.Sek. Pari.

स्थापितव्य to be established, to be brought about.

स्थित (1) happened, come to pass; e. g. राम ङस् इति स्थिते etc.; (2) esta- blished; remaining intact after the removal of doubts; cf. एवं हिं स्थितमेतत्; (3) remaining unaffected as referring to अस्पृष्टकरण; cf स्वराणामनु- स्वारस्य ऊष्मणां च अस्पृष्टं करणं वेदितव्यम् तध स्थितामित्युच्यते । यत्र वर्णस्थानमाश्रित्य जिह्वावतिष्ठते तत् स्थितमित्युच्यते Uvvata on R.Pr. XIII. ; (4) established or stated in the Padapatha; cf. स्थिते पदे पदपाठे इत्यर्थ; gloss on T. Pr. XX.2.

स्थिति utterance of a pada or padas in the Padapatha without इति; the utterance with इति being called उपस्थिति; cf. पदं यदा केवलमाह सा स्थितिः R. Pr. XI.15; (2) established prac- tice or view; cf. शाकल्यस्य स्थविरस्येतरा स्थितिः । R. Pr. II. 44.

स्न tad. affix स्न added optionally with स,to the word मृद् in the sense of praiseworthy; c. g. मृत्स्ना also मृत्सा; cf. सस्नौ प्रशंसायाम् । P.V.4.40.

स्नञ् tad.affix स्न,added in many tadd- hita senses, अपत्य, जात,समूहृ, अागत and others mentioned upto P. V. Ist pada end; e. g. स्त्रैणः पौस्नः, cf.स्त्री- पुंसाभ्यां नत्र्स्नञौ भवनात् P.IV.1.87.

स्पर्ध a word used in the sense of 'a conflict of two rules' ( विप्रतिषेध ) in some grammars such as those of Jainendra, Sakatayana and Hemacandra; cf Jain. I.2.39,Sak. I.1.46 and Hema. VII.4. 119.

स्पर्श a contact consonant; a term used in connection with the conso- nants of the five classes, verily because the karana or the tip of the tongue touches the place of