सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

तस् prescribed by the rule प्रतियोगे पञ्चम्यास्तसि: and the Varttika तसि- प्रकरणे आद्यादिभ्य उपसंख्यानम् thereon; cf. P. V. 4.44 and Vart. 1 .

सावकाश possessed of scope for its application as contrasted with निरवकाश; a term used in connection with a rule which has got its app- lication to some cases without conflict with any other rule; cf. द्वयोर्हि सावकाशयोः समवस्थितयौर्विप्रतिषेधो भवति । M. Bh. on P.I.1.3 Vart. 6.

सावर्ण्य the quality of being cognate or allied; see the word सवर्ण above.

साव्यय together with avyaya or ind- eclinable; cf. अाख्यातं साव्ययं वाक्यम् । उच्चै: पठति । नीचैः पठति । M. Bh. on P. II. 1. 1. Vart 9.

साहचर्य presence together, mention together, association; this साहचर्य is many times of use in cases of doubt regarding the meaning of a word or the choice of a word in a particular sense; cf. अथवा साहचर्यात्ताच्छब्द्यं भविष्यति । M. Bh. on P. I.1, 70, I 2. 27; cf. सहचरितो योर्थ- स्तस्य गतिर्भविष्यति साहचर्यात् ; M. Bh. on P. I. 2. 51 Vart. 3.

सि ( 1 ) personal ending सिप् of the sec. pers. sing.; cf. तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थ- महिङ् P.III.4.78; ( 2 ) Unadi affix क्सि ( सि ) cf. लुषिकुषिशुषिभ्य: क्सि: Un. III. 155.

सिंहावलोकितन्याय the analogy of the backward look peculiar to a lion, who, as he advances, does always look back at the ground covered. The word is used in grammar with reference to a word taken back from a rule to the preceding rule which technically is called अपकर्ष; cf. वक्ष्यमाणं विभाषाग्रहणमिह सिंहावलो- कितन्यायेन संबध्यते Kas. on P.III.3.49.

सिच् one of the substitutes ( स् ) for the general sign च्लि of the aorist tense ( लुङ् ); cf. च्लि लुङि । च्ले; सिच् P.

III.1. 43, 44.

सिचिपाद् name given by convention to the second pada of the seventh adhyaya of Paninis Astadhyayi as the pada begins with the sutra सिचि वृद्धि; परस्मैपदेषु. P. VII. 2. 1.

सित् an affix marked with the mute letter स् signifying the designation पद for the preceding base to which that affix has been added; for examples where such affixes are noticed, see the words भवदीय:, ऊर्णायु:, ऋत्वियः, पाश्र्वमू; cf. सिति च P. I. 4. 16.

सिद्ध (1) established; the term is used in the sense of नित्य or eternal in the Varttika सिद्धे शब्दार्थसंबन्धे where, as Patanjali has observed, the word सिद्ध meaning नित्य has been purpo- sely put in to mark an auspicious beginning of the शब्दानुशासनशास्त्र which commences with that Var- ttika; cf. माङ्गलिक आचार्यो महतः शास्त्रौघस्य मङ्गलार्थे सिद्धशब्दमादितः प्रयुङ्क्ते M.Bh.on Ahnika 1; (2) established, proved, formed; the word is many times used in this sense in the Maha- bhasya, as also in the Varttikas especially when a reply is to be given to an objection; cf. P.I. 1.3 Vart. 17, I.1. 4. Vart. 6: I. 1. 5, Vart.5,I.1.9 Vart. 2 etc.

सिद्धकाण्ड the chapter or portion of Panini's grammar which is valid to the rules inside that portion, as also to the rules enumerated after it. The word is used in connection with the first seven chapters and a quarter of the eighth chapter of Panini's Astadhyayi, as contrasted with the last three quarters called त्रिपादी, the rules in which are not valid to any rule in the prece- ding portion, called by the name सपासप्ताध्यायी or सपादी as also to any preceding rule in the Tripadi it- Self cf. पूर्वत्रासिद्धम् P, VIII.2.1.