सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

वृषन् ( वृषा ), a term used in ancient grammar works for a word of the masculine gender as contrasted with येषा.

वृषादि a class of words headed by the word वृष which have their initial vowel accented acute; cf. Kas. on P. VI.1.203.

वृष्ण्यण् tad.affix अण् prescribed by the sutra ऋष्यन्धकवृष्णिकुरुभ्यश्च after words denoting members of the Vrsni race; cf. वृष्ण्यणेाSवकाशः वासुदेवः। बलदेव: ॥

वेट् a term applied to roots which optionally admit the application of the augment इ (इट्) to the Ardha- dhatuka affixes placed after them, e. g. roots having got the indica- tory vowel ऊ added to them as also the roots स्वृ, सू, धू and the roots headed by रध् as also some specifically mentioned roots under certain conditions; cf P. VIl. 2.44-51.

वेतनादि a class of words headed by वेतन which have the taddhita affix इक (ठक्) added to them in the sense of "earning a livelihood' e.g. वेतनिकः । धानुष्कः; दाण्डिकः; cf. वेतनेन जीवति वैतनिकः कर्मकरः Kas। on P. IV. 4.12.

वेद language of the Vedic Literature as contrasted with the term लॊकः; cf. नैव लोके न च वेदे अकारो विवृतोस्ति M. Bh. on Mahesvara Sutra; cf. also रक्षार्थं वेदानामध्येयं व्याकरणम् M. Bh.Ahnika 1. The term वैदिक referring to words found in Vedic language is also frequently used in the Mahabhasya. Panini, how- ever, has used the term छन्दस्, मन्त्र and निगम, and not वेद, out of which the first term छन्दस् is often used; cf. बहुलं छन्दसि P. II. 4.39, 76; III, 2.88; V. 2.122; or छन्दसि च P. V. 1.67, V. 4.142, VI. 3.126. VI. l.34, VII. 1.8, etc.

वेदमित्र an ancient writer of a Pra- tisakhya work mentioned in the Rk Pratisakhya.

वेबर् [ WEBER, ALBRECHT of Berlin, 1825-190l ] a sound scho- lar of Vedic Literature who has written many articles on Sanskrit Grammar in "Indische Studien."

वेष्टक lit. enclosure or envelope; the term is used in the sense of परिग्रहं with reference to the repetition of one and the same word more than once in the Krama and other artificial recitals; cf. परिग्रहे त्वनाषीन्तात् तेन वैकाक्षरीकृतात् । परॆषां न्यास- माचारं, व्यालिस्तौ चेत् स्वरौ परौ ॥ on which Uvvata remarks परिग्रहे वेष्टके.

वेकल्पिक lit. optional, voluntary; the term is used in connection with a rule or operation prescribed alternatively with another, where there is an option to apply any one of the two and arrive at two forms in the same sense;.

वैकृत lit. subjected to modifications; which have undergone a change; the term, as contrasted with प्राकृत, refers to letters which are noticed in the Samhitapatha and not in the Padapatha. The change of अस् into ओ, or of the consonant त् into द् before soft letters, as also the insertion of त् between त् and स् etc. are given as instances. cf. वैकृताः ये पदपाठे अदृष्टाः । यथा प्रथमास्तृती- यभूताः, अन्तःपाताः इत्येवमादयः

वैचित्र्यार्थ simply for the sake of variety without any specific pur- pose in view; cf. वषड्ग्रहृणं वेचित्र्यार्थम् । विचित्रा हि सूत्रस्य कृतिः पाणिनेः । Kas. on P. I. 2.35 cf. also Kas. on P. III. 3.96, IV. 1.148, 153, 160.

वैदिक found in Vedic Literature; the term is used in contrast with लौकिक which means ’found in common use'; cf. यथा लौकिकवैदिकेषु