सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

वस् (1) pres. participle affix वसु subs- tituted for शतृ applied to the root विद्; e.g. विद्वस्, cf. विदेः शतृर्वसुः P.VII. l.36; (2) perf. part. affix क्वसु subs- tituted for the general affix लिट् mostly in Vedic Literature, but in specific cases in spoken language; e. g. see सेदिवस्, शुश्रुवस्, उपेयिवस् cf. P III.2. 107-9. See क्वसु.

वसन्तादि a class of words headed by the word वसन्त, which are mostly names of seasons, to which the affix इक (ठक्) is added in the sense of 'that which one studies or knows'; cf.वसन्तसहचरितोयं ग्रन्थो वसन्तस्तमधीते वासन्तिकः 1 वार्षिकः Kas. on P. IV. 2.63.

वसु the krt. affix क्वसु which see above. The word वसु is used for क्वसु by the Varttikakara; cf. वसुसंप्रसारणमाज्विधौ सिद्धं वक्तव्यम् P.VI.4.22 Vart. 9.

वहि atmanepada personal-ending of the first person ( उत्तमपुरुष) dual, substituted for the general ल् affix; cf. तिप्तसझि... महि़्ङ् P.III.4.78.

वा a term often used in the sutras of Panini and others, to show the optional application of a rule; cf. न वेति विभाषा P.I.2.44: cf. also वा गमःI.2.13 etc. See विभाषा.

वाकरनागल् [WACKERNAGELL], a German Professor and scholar of Sanskrit Grammar who collaborat- ed in the work of editing 'Altindi- sch Grammatik'.

वाकिनादि a class of words headed by the word वाकिन to which the tadd- hita affix आयनि (फिञ्) is added in the sense of an 'offspring' when along with the tad. affix अायनि, the augment क् (कुक्) is added to the base (वाकिन or the like ); e. g. वाकिनकायनिः; cf. Kas. on P.IV.I.158.

वाक्य a sentence giving an idea in a single unit of expression consisting of the verb with its karakas or

instruments and adverbs; cf.अाख्यातं साब्ययं सकारकं सकारकविशेषणं वाक्यसंज्ञं भवतीति वक्तव्यम् । साव्ययम् । उच्चैः पठति । सकारकम् । ओदनं पचति । M. Bh. on P. II. 1.1. Vart. 10. Regarding the different theoretical ways of the interpretation of a sentence see the word शाब्दबोध. For details, see वाक्यपदीय II. 2 where the diffe- rent definitions of वाक्य are given and the अखण्डवाक्यस्फोट is established as the sense of a sentence.

वाक्यकाण्ड name given to the second chapter of Bhartrhari's Vakya- padiya in which problems regard- ing the interpretation of a senten- ce are fully discussed.

वाक्यकार a term used for a writer who composes a work in pithy, brief assertions in the manner of Sutras, such as the Varttikas. The term is found used in Bhartrhari's Mahabhasyadipika where by con- trast with the term Bhasyakara it possibly refers to the varttikakara Katyayana; cf. एषा भाष्यकारस्य कल्पना न वाक्यकारस्य Bhartrhari Maha- bhasyadipika. cf. also Nagesa's statement वाक्यकारो वार्तिकमारभते; cf. also चुलुम्पादयो वाक्यकारीया; Madhaviya Dhatuvrtti.

वाक्यपदी name of a work on the de- notation of words in verse-form with a comentary of his own writ- ten by a grammarian named गङ्गादास. The name वाक्यपदी is con- founded with वाक्यपदीय of Bha- rtrhari through mistake.

वाक्यपदीय a celebrated work on meanings of words and sentences written by the famous grammarian Bhartrhari (called also Hari) of the seventh century. The work is looked upon as a final authority regarding the grammatical treat- ment of words and sentences, for