सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

पूर्वथेति पूर्वऽथा etc.: cf. Vij. Pr.V.12: (3) tad. affix थाल् in the sense of इव added to the words प्रत्न, पूर्व, विश्व and इम in Vedic Literature, e.g. तं प्रत्नथा पूर्वथा विश्वथेमथा; cf Kas, on P. V.3.111: (4) tad. affix थाल् in the sense of mannar ( प्रक्रार) added to किन् , pronouns excepting those headed by द्वि, and the word बहु; e.g. सर्वथा, cf. P V.3.23.

थाल् tad. affix थाल्. See था.

थास् personal ending of the 2nd pers. sing. Atmanepada, substitut- ed for ल् of the lakara affixes.

थीम (THIEME, PAUL) a sound scholar of the present day, well versed in Sanskrit Grammar and Vedic Literature, who has written a critical treatise named "Panini and the Veda."

थुक् (1) augment थ् added to the words षष्, कति, कतिपय and चतुर्: see थ् above; (2) augment थ् added to the root अस् of the fourth conjugati- on Paras. before the affixes of the aorist. e.g. अास्थत्: cf P.VII.4.17.

थ्यन् tad. affix थ्य in the sense of 'favourable for' ( तस्मै हितम् ) added to the words अज and अवि; e.g. -अजथ्या यूथिः। अविथ्या । cf Kas. on P. V.1.8.

द् third consonant of the dental class of consonants possessed of the pro- perties नादानुप्रदान, घोष, संवृतकण्ठत्व and अल्पप्राणता;(2) consonant द् substituted for the final letter of nouns ending with the affix वस् as also for the final letter of स्रंस्, ध्वंस् and अनडुह् provided the final letter is at the end of a pada; e.g. विद्वद्भयाम् etc.; cf Kas. on P, VIII. 2.72; (3) consonant द् substituted for the final स् of roots excepting the root.अस्, before the

personal ending तिप् of the third pers. sing.; e. g. अचकाद् भवान् ; cf. P. VIII. 3.93.

(1) the consonant द्, the vowel अ being added for facility of utter- ance or use; (2) a technical term used in the Jainendra Vyakarana for the term आत्मनेपद in the gram- mar of Panini.

दग्घ a fault of pronunciation where the letters are uttered indistinct ( अस्पष्ट ).

दघ्नच् tad. affix दघ्न prescribed optiona- lly with द्वयस and मात्र in the sense of measure ( प्रमाणे ), with ङीप् ( ई ) to be added further to form the fem. base, e. g. जानुदघ्नम्, जानुद्वयसम्, जानुमात्रम् , जानुदघ्नी, cf. P. V. 2.37 and IV.1.15; दघ्नच् is added optionally along with अण् as also with द्वयस and मात्र to the words पुरुष and हस्तिन् e.g. पुरुषद्वयसम्, पौरुषम् पुरुषदघ्नम्, पुरुषमात्रम्; cf. P. V. 2.38.

दण्ड one of the eight artificial Vedic recitations.

दण्डादि a class of words headed by the word दण्ड to which the taddhita affix य, is added in the sense of 'deserving', cf. दण्डमर्हति दण्ड्यः Kas. on P. V. 1.66

दधिपयआदि a class of compound words headed by the word दधिपयस् which are not compounded as समाहारद्वन्द्व which ends in the neuter gender and singular number; e.g. दधिपयसी, शिववैश्रवणौ, श्रद्धातपसी etc.; cf. Kas. on P.II. 4.14.

दन्त place where the utterance of dental letters originates;cf. ऌतुलसानां दन्ताः S. K. on P. I. 1.9.

दन्तमूलीय the letters त्, थ् द् ध् and न्: cf. दन्तमूलीयस्तु तकारवर्गः R. Pr. I. 19. The Rk. Pratisakhya calls र् (रेफ ) also as दन्तमूलीय.

दन्तोष्ठ्य also दन्त्योष्ठ्य or : दन्त्यौष्ठ्य the