सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

तद्राज the taddhita affixes अञ्,अण्,ञ्यङ, ण्य, as also इञ्, छ्, ञ्युट्, ण्य, टेण्यण् and यञ् given in the rules of Panini IV. 1.168-174 and V.3. 112-119. They are called तद्राज as they are applied to such words as mean both the country and the warrior race or clan ( क्षत्त्रिय ): cf. तद्राजमाचक्षाणः तद्राजः S. K. on P. IV.l.168. The pecu- liar feature of these tadraja affixes is that they are omitted when the word to which they have been app- lied is used in the plural number; e. g. ऐक्ष्वाकः, ऐक्ष्वाकौ, इक्ष्वाकवः; simi- larly इक्ष्वाकूणाम्; cf. P.II.4.62.

तद्वत् (l) as above,similarly;the words शेषं तद्वत् (the rest as above) are fre- quently seen used by commenta- tors; (2) the tad. affix वत् in the sense of possession and not in the sense of measure etc. cf. तद्वति तद्धिते न्यायसंहितं चेत् V.Pr.V.8.

तद्वदतिदेश treatment of something as that which is not that e. g. the treatment of affixes not marked with mute n or n as marked with n even though they are not actual- ly marked that way, cf. P. I. 2.1- 4; also cf तद्वदतिदेशेSकिद्विधिप्रसङ्गः P. I. 2.1 Vart 4.

तन (1) personal ending for त of the second pers. pl. Parasmaipada in the imperative in Vedic Litera- ture e.g जुजुष्टन for जुषत cf. Kas. On P VII. 1.45; (2) tad. affixes टयु and टयुल् i.e. अन which, with the augment त्, in effect becomes तन e.g. सायंतन, चिरंतन, etc.: cf. P. IV. 3.23.

तनप्' Personal ending for त of the Second Pers.. pl. e. g. दधातन for धत्त. Cf Kas on P. VII. 1.45. See तन.

तन्त्र a word frequently used in the Mahabhasya in the sense of 'in- tended ' or विवक्षित. The word is

used always in the neuter gender like प्रमाणम्; cf. तन्त्रं तरनिर्देशः M. Bh. on P. I. 2.33, II. 2.34, नात्र निर्दे- शस्तन्त्रम् On P. I. 2.39, III.3.38, III. 4.21,IV.1.92 etc. The word is also explained in the sense of 'impor. tant'.

तन्त्रप्रदीप name of the learned com- mentary_written by मैत्रेयरक्षित, a famous Buddhist grammarian of the 12th century A. D. on the काशिकाविवरणपञ्जिका ( न्यास ) of Jinen- drabuddhi। The work is available at Present only in a manuscript form, and that too in fragments. Many later scholars have copious- ly quoted from this work. The name of the work viz. तन्त्रप्रदीप is rarely mentioned; but the name of the author is mentioned as रक्षित, मैत्रेय or even मैत्रेयरक्षित. Ther are two commentaries on the तन्त्रप्रदीप named उद्द्योतनप्रभा and आलोक,

तनादि a class of roots headed by the root तन्, which is popularly caII- ed as the eighth conjugation to which the conjugational sign उ is added: e.g. तनोतेि, करोति, कुरुते cf. P. II. 4.79: III. 1.79.

तनोत्यादि a class of words which is the same as तनादि: cf. P. VI. 4.37. See तनादेि.

तन्नामिकाण् the tad. affix अण् prescrib- ed by the rule अवृद्धाभ्यो नदीमानुषी- भ्यस्तन्नामिकाभ्यः P. IV. 1.113: cf. M. Bh. on P. IV. 1.1I4,

तप् (I) tad. affix त added to the words पर्वन् and मरुत् to form the words पर्वतः and मरुत्तः; cf. P. V. 2.122 Vart. 10; (2) personal end- ing in Vedic Literature substitut- cd for त of the impera. sec. pers. pl. e. g. श्रुणोत ग्रावाणः cf. Kas. on P. VII. 1.45.

तपरकरण addition of the mute letter त् after a vowel to signify the in-