सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

roots वद्, भू and हन् (when preceded by certain words put as upapada), as also to roots with penultimate ऋ and the roots मृज्, इ, स्तु and others; e. g. ब्रह्मोद्यम् , ब्रह्मभूयम् , इत्यम् , स्तुत्यम् etc. cf. Kāś. on P. III. 1. 106,121.

क्यष् affix य added to certain nouns like लोहित and others to form denominative roots after which terminations of both the padas are placed e.g. लोहितायति, लोहितायते; cf. Kāś. on P. III. 1.13.

क्यु, क्युन् Uṇādi affixes अन.

क्रत्वादि a class of words headed by the word क्रतु, which have their first vowel accented acute in a Bahu- vrīhi dompound, provided the first member of the compound is the word सु; e.g. सुक्रतुः, सुप्रपूर्तिः etc.; cf. cf. Kāś. on P. VI.2.118.

क्रम (l) serial order or succession as contrasted with यौगपद्य or simul- taneity. The difference between क्रम and यौगपद्य is given by भर्तृहरि in the line क्रमे विभिद्यते रूपं यौगपद्ये न भिद्यते Vāk. Pad. II. 470. In order to form a word by the application of several rules of grammar, a parti- cular order is generally followed in accordance with the general prin- ciple laid down in the Paribhāṣā पूर्वपरनित्यान्तरङ्गापवादानामुत्तरोत्तरं बलीयः, as also according to what is stated in the sūtras असिद्धवदत्राभात्, पूर्वत्रासिद्धम् etc. (2) succession, or being placed after, specifically with re- ference to indeclinables like एव, च etc. which are placed after a noun with which they are connected. When an inde- cinable is not so connected, it is called भिन्नक्रम; cf. परिपन्थं च तिष्ठति (P.IV. 4.36), चकारो भिन्नक्रमः प्रत्ययार्थं समुच्चिनोति, Kāś. on P. IV. 4.36; also ईडजनोर्ध्वे च । चशब्दो भिन्नक्रमः

ईशेः (VII.2.77) अनुकर्षणार्थो विज्ञायते Kāś. on P.IV.2.78; (3) succession of the same consonant brought about; doubling; reduplication; क्रम is used in this way in the Ṛk Prātiśākhya as a synonym of dvitva prescribed by Pāṇini; e. g. अा त्वा रथं becomes अा त्त्वा रथम् ; सोमानं स्वरणम् becomes सोमानं स्स्वरणम् ; cf. स्वरानुस्वारोपहितो द्विरुच्यते संयोगादि: स क्रमोSविक्रमे सन् । etc, R. Pr. VI. l to 4; cf. also स एष द्विर्भावरूपो विधिः क्रमसंज्ञो वेदितव्यः Uvvaṭa on R. Pr. VI. 1. The root क्रम् IA. is several times used in the Prāti- śākhya works for द्विर्भवन, cf. also T. Pr.XXI.5; XXIV.5; (4) repetition of a word in the recital of Vedic passages, the recital by such a repetition being called क्रमपाठ, which is learnt and taught with a view to understanding the original forms of words combined in the Saṁhitā by euphonic rules, substitution of letters such as that of ण् for न् , or of ष् for स् , as also the separate words of a com- pound word ( सामासिकशब्द ); e. g. पर्जन्याय प्र । प्र गायत । गायत दिवः । दिव- स्पुत्राय । पुत्राय मीळ्हुषे । मीळ्हुषे इति मीळ्हुषे । cf. क्रमो द्वाभ्यामतिक्रम्य् प्रत्यादायो- त्तरं तयोः उत्तेरेणोपसंदध्यात् तथार्द्धर्चं समापयेत् ॥ R. Pr. X. 1. For details and special features, cf. R. Pr. ch. X and XI: cf. also V. Pr. IV. 182- 190: T. Pr, XXIII. 20, XXIV. 6.

क्रमण doubling. Irregular doubling is looked upon as a fault; cf. क्रमणं वा अयथेाक्तम् R.Pr. XIV. 25.

क्रमदीश्वर author of a grammar named संक्षिप्तसार who lived at the end of the 13th century.

क्रमपाठ recital of the Vedic Saṁhitā by means of separate groups of two words, repeating each word ex- cept the first of the Vedic verse- line; see क्रम above. The various