सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

5; cf. also वार्णादाङ्गं बलीयो भवति Par. Śek. Pari 55: also M. Bh. on III.2.3.

आच् tad. affix आ applied to the word दक्षिणा and उत्तरा; cf.P.V. 3.36, 38. e. g. दक्षिणा वसति, उत्तरा रमणीयम् Kāś on V.3.36, 38.

आचार (1) customary usage of putting or employing words in rules; cf. आचार्याचारात्संज्ञासिद्धिः, P.I,1.1, Vārt. 4. (2) behaviour;cf. उपमानादाचारे P.III. 1.10; cf also निवासत आचारतश्च M.Bh. on VI.3.109.

आचारक्विप् denom. affix क्विप् applied to any prātipadika or noun in the sense of behaviour: cf. सर्वप्रातिपदिकेभ्य आचारे क्विब् वक्तव्यः अश्वति गर्दभति इत्येवमर्थम् M. Bh. on III.1.11; cf. हलन्तेभ्य आचाराक्विबभावाच्च Par. Śek. on Pari.52.

आचार्य preceptor, teacher; a designa- tion usually given to Pāṇini by Patañjali in the Mahābhāṣya; cf. the usual expression तज्ज्ञापयति आचार्यः as also अाचार्यप्रवृत्तिर्ज्ञापयति; also cf. नेदानीमाचार्याः सूत्राणि कृत्वा निवर्तयन्ति; cf. also the popular definition of अाचार्य given as 'निशम्य यद्गिरं प्राज्ञा अविचार्यैव तत्क्षणम् । संभावयन्ति शिरसा तमाचार्यं प्रचक्षते ।"

आचार्यदेशीय a partisan of the precep- tor Pāṇini or the Sūtrakāra who is looked upon as having approx- mately the same authority as the Sūtrakāra; cf. अाचार्यदेशीय अाह- न वक्तव्य इति l Kaiyaṭa on I.4.105, Vārt. 2.

आचार्यसंपद् necessary qualification to teach the Veda with all its pāṭhas having the necessary knowledge of accents, matrās and the like. cf. पदक्रमविभागज्ञो वर्णक्रमविचक्षणः स्वरमात्राविशे- षज्ञो गच्छेदाचार्यसंपदम् R. Prāt.I.8.

आचितादि a class of words headed by the word अाचित which do not have their final vowel accented acute

by P. VI.2.146 when they are preceded by the prepositions प्र, परा etc. although they are used as proper nouns. e.g. आचितम्,निरुक्तम्, प्रश्लिष्टम्; cf. Kāśikā on P. VI.2.146.

अाट् (1) augment अा prefixed to roots beginning with a vowel in the imperfect, aorist and conditional, which is always accented (उदात्त); cf. P.VI.4.72; (2) augment अा prefixed to the imperative first person terminations, e.g. करवाणि, करवै etc.; cf. P.III.4.92: (3) aug- ment अा to be prefixed to case- affixes which are डित् after nouns called nadī: e.g. कुमार्यं; cf P.VII. 3.112.

अाटच् tad.affix (आट) in the sense of possession added to the word वाच्; e.g. वाचाटः cf. P.V.2.125.

अात् (1) long अा as different from short or protracted अ prescribed by the wofd वृद्धि or दीर्घ in the case of अ, or by the word अात् when substitu- ted for another vowel, as for exam- ple in the rule आदेच उपदेशेऽशिति and the following: cf. P.VI.1.45, 57; (2) substitute for the ablative affix ङस् after words ending in अ; cf. P. VII.1.12; (3) substitute अात् for a case affix in Vedic Literature, e.g. न ताद् ब्राह्मणाद् निन्दामि Kāś. on VII. 1.39.

आताम् Ātmanepada third person dual ending, technically substituted for लकार by P.III.4.78

अाति tad. affix अात् applied to उत्तर, अधर and दक्षिण by P.V.3.34.

आतिदेशिक applied by extension or transfer of epithet as opposed to औपदेशिक. See the word अतिदेश; the term is often used in connection with rules or operations which do not apply or occur by the direct expression of the grammarian; cf. यदि आतिदेशिकेन कित्वेन औपदेशिकं कित्वं