सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

formed with an affix marked with a mute ञ् or न् are ādyudātta; cf.P. VI.1.197, 198: for illustrations in detail see P.VI.1.189-216.

आद्युदात्तनिपातन specific mention of a word with the accent udātta or acute on the first syllable; cf. आद्युदात्तनिपातनं करिष्यते M.Bh. on I.1. 56, VI.1.12.

आधार receptacle or abode of an action;cf.अाध्रियन्ते अस्मिन् क्रियाः इत्याधारः Kāś. on P.I.4.45 also M. Bh. on III.3.121; the Prakriyā Kaumudī mentions four kinds of ādhāras: cf. औपश्लेषिकः सामीपिको विषयो व्याप्त इत्याघारश्च- तुर्धा Prak. Kau. on II.3.36.

अाधाराधेयभाव a non-differential rela- tion (अभेदसंसर्ग) between the perso- nal endings तिप् , तस् etc. and the noun in the nominative case which is the subject of the verbal activity;relation of a thing and its substratum: cf. निपातातिरिक्तनामार्थ- धात्वर्थयोर्भेदान्वयस्य अव्युत्पन्नत्वात्.

आधिक्य superfluity, superiority, notion of surplus; cf यदत्राधिक्यं वाक्यार्थः सः M. Bh. on II.3.46, II.3. 50.

आधृषीय a sub-division of roots belon- ging to the चुरादिगण or tenth conju- gation beginning with युज् and end- ing with धृष् which take the Vika- raṇa णिच् optionally i.e. which are also conjugated like roots of the first conjugation; e.g. यीजयति,योजयते, योजति;साहयति-ते, सहति.

आधेय a thing placed in another or depending upon another, as oppo- sed to ādhāra or the container; cf. आधेयश्चाक्रियाजश्च सोसत्त्वप्रकृतिर्गुणः M. Bh. on P.IV.1.44.

आन (1) kṛt affix (शानच् or चानश्) substi- tuted for the lakāra लट् and appli- ed to ātmanepadi roots forming the present participle; (2) kṛt. affix कानच् applied to ātmanepadi roots

in the sense of past time forming the perfect participle cf. लिटः कानज्वा P.III.2.106.

अानङ् substitute आन् in the place of the last letter (ऋ) of the first member of dvandva compounds of words meaning deities or of words show- ing blood-relationship which end with the vowel ऋ; e.g. होतापोतारौ, मातापितरो cf. P.VI.3.25, 26.

आनन्तर्य (1) close proximity; absence of any intermediary element generally of the same nature: अनन्तरस्य भावः आनन्तर्यम्; cf. नाजानन्तर्ये वहिष्ट्वप्रक्लृप्तिः M. Bh. I.4.2. Vārt. 21: Par. Śek. Pari. 51. This close proxi- mity of one letter or syllable or so, with another, is actually i.e.phone- tically required and generally so found out also, but sometimes such proximity is theoretically not existing as the letter required for proximity is technically not present there by the rule पूर्वत्रासिद्धम्. In such cases, a technical absence is not looked upon as a fault. cf. कचिच्च संनिपातकृतमानन्तर्ये शास्त्रकृतमनानन्तर्ये यथा ष्टुत्वे, क्वचिच्च नैव संनिपातकृतं नापि शास्त्रकृतं यथा जश्त्वे । यत्र कुतश्चिदेवानन्तर्यं तदाश्रयिष्यामः M. Bh. on VIII.3.13. (2) close connection by mention together at a common place etc.;cf. सर्वाद्यानन्तर्यं कार्यार्थम् M. Bh. on I.1.27.

अानन्ददत्त name of a Buddhist grammarian,the author of the work named Cāndra-vyākaraṇa Paddhati.

आनर्थक्य absence of any utility; superfluity; absence of any object or purpose; cf. स्थानिवद्वचनानर्थक्यं शास्त्रा- सिद्धत्वात् । M. Bh. on P.VI.1.86 Vārt. 5 cf. also P.VI.1.158 Vārt. 4; VI.1.161 Vārt. 1, VI.1.166 Vārt. 1, VI.1.167 Vārt. 3.

अानि imp. 1st per.sing affix नि with the augment अा prefixed, which