सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

unable to enter into a compound word, the term is used in con- nection with a word which can- not be compounded with another word, although related in sense to it, and connected with it by apposition or by a suitable case affix, the reason being that it is connected more closely with an- other word: cf. सापेक्षमसमर्थं भवति M. Bh. II.1.1.; e.g. the words कष्टं and श्रितः in the sentence महत् कष्टं श्रितः.

असमर्थसमास a compound of two words, which ordinarily is in- admissible, one of the two words being more closely connected with a third word, but which takes place on the authority of usage, there being no obstacle in the way of understanding the sense to be conveyed; e. g. देवदत्तस्य गुरुकुलम् । देवदत्तस्य दासभार्या । असूर्यंपश्यानि मुखानि, अश्राद्धभोजी ब्राह्मणः M. Bh. on II.1.1.

असमस्त not compounded, not en- tered into a compound with an- other word; cf. समासे असमस्तस्य Hem. II.3.13.

असमास ( 1) absence of a compound. उपसर्गादसमासेपि णोपदेशस्य P. VIII.4.14; (2) an expression conveying the sense of a compound word al- though standing in the form of separate words: चार्थे द्वन्द्ववचने असमासेपि वार्थसंप्रत्ययादनिष्टं प्राप्नोति । अहरहर्नयमानो गामश्वं पुरुषं पशुम् M. Bh. on II.2.29.

असरूप not having the same out- ward form or appearance; e. g. the affixes अण्, अच्, ण, अट्, ञ्, and the like which are, in fact, सरूप as they have the same outward form viz. the affix अ. अण् and यत् are असरूप; cf. वाऽसरूपोऽस्त्रियाम् P.III. 1.94.

असर्वविभक्ति not admitting all case- affixes to be attached to it; cf. तद्धितश्चासर्वविभक्ति: P.I.1.38: यस्मान्न सर्वविभक्तेरुत्पत्तिः सोसर्वविभक्तिः । ततः यतः तत्र यत्र । Kāś. on I.1.38.

असामर्थ्य absence of a syntactical con- nection cf दध्ना पटुः । घृतेन पटुः । असामर्थ्यादत्र समासो न भविष्यति । कथम- सामर्थ्यम् । सापेक्षमसमर्थं भवतीति । न हि दध्नः पटुना सामर्थ्यम् । केन तर्हि । भुजिना । दध्ना भुङ्क्ते पटुरिति । M. Bh. on II.1.30.

असारूप्य dissimilarity in apparent form (although the real wording in existence might be the same) e. g. टाप्, डाप् , चाप्; cf. नानुबन्धकृतमसारूप्यम् । Par. Śek. Pari. 8.

असि (I) Uṇādi affix अस्; (2) tad. affix अस्. See above the word अस्.

असिच् samāsa-ending affix अस्. See above the word अस्.

असिद्ध invalid; of suspended validity for the time being: not functioning for the time being. The term is frequently used in Pāṇini's system of grammar in connection with rules or operations which are prevented, or held in suspense, in connection with their application in the process of the formation of a word. The term (असिद्ध) is also used in connection with rules that have applied or operations that have taken place, which are, in certain cases, made invalid or invisible as far as their effect is concerned and other rules are applied or other operations are allowed to take place, which ordinarily have been prevented by those rules which are made invalid had they not been inva- lidated. Pāṇini has laid down this invalidity on three different occasions (1) invalidity by the rule पूर्वत्रासिद्धम् VIII.2.1. which makes a rule or operation in the