सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

अल्पाच्तरे पूर्वं भवति प्लक्षन्यग्रोधौ अपाच्तर is the same as अल्पाच्क used in the प्रक्रियाकौमुदी or अल्पस्वरतर in Kātantra (Kāt, II.5.12).

अल्पापेक्ष am operation requiring a smaller number of causes, which merely on that account cannot be looked upon as अन्तरङ्ग. The anta- raṅga operation has its causes occurring earlier than those of another operation which is termed बहिरङ्ग cf. बहिरङगान्तरङश्ङ्गशब्दाभ्यां बह्वपेक्षत्वाल्पा- पेक्षत्वयोः शब्दमर्यादयाsलाभाच्च । तथा सति असिद्धं बह्वपेक्षमल्पापेक्ष इत्येव वदेत् ॥ Par.Śek. Pari. 50.

अल्लोप elision or omission of a single phonetic element or letter; cf. अल्लोपोsनः P. VI.4.134.

अल्विधि an operation prescribed with reference to one single letter; cf. स्थानिवदादेशोs नल्विधौ P.I.1.56.

अवकाश occasion; possibility of appli- cation; cf. इको गुणवृद्धी इत्यस्यावकाशः। चयनं चायकः लवनं लावकः इति । इहोभयं प्राप्नोति | मेद्यति । मार्ष्टीति । M. Bh. on I.1.3. Vārt. 6.

अवग्रह (1) separation of a compound word into its component elements as shown in the Pada-Pāṭha of the Vedic Saṁhitās. In the Pada- pāṭha, individual words are shown separately if they are combined by Saṁdhi rules or by the formation of a compound in the Saṁhitā- pāṭha; e.g. पुरोहितम् in the Saṁhitā- pāṭha is read as पुरःsहितम्. In writ- ing, there is observed the practice of placing the sign (ऽ) between the two parts, about which nothing can be said as to when and how it originated. The Atharva- Prātiśākhya defines अवग्रह as the separation of two padas joined in Saṁhitā. (A. Pr. II.3.25; II.4.5). In the recital of the pada-pāṭha, when the word-elements are utter-

ed separately, there is a momen- tary pause measuring one matra or the time required for the utter- ance of a short vowel. (See for de- tails Vāj. Prāt. Adhāya 5). (2) The word अवग्रह is also used in the sense of the first out of the two words or members that are compounded to- gether. See Kāśikā on P.VIII.4.26; cf. also तस्य ( इङ्ग्यस्य ) पूर्वपदमवग्रहः यथा देवायत इति देव-यत. Tai. Pr. I. 49. The term अवग्रह is explained in the Mahābhāṣya as 'separation, or splitting up of a compound word into its constitutent parts; cf. छन्दस्यानङोवग्रहो दृश्येत पितामह इति ।(M. Bh. on IV.2.36); also cf. यद्येवमवग्रहः प्राप्नोति । न लक्षणेन पदकारा अनुवर्त्याः। पदकारैर्नाम लक्षणमनुवर्त्यम् । यथालक्षणं पदं कर्तव्यम् (M. Bh. on III.1.109) where the Bhāṣyakāra has definite- ly stated that the writers of the Padapāṭha have to split up a word according to the rules of Grammar. (3) In recent times, however, the word अवग्रह is used in the sense of the sign (ऽ) showing the coale- scence of अ (short or long) with the preceding अ (short or long ) or with the preceding ए or ओ e.g. शिवोऽ र्च्यः, अत्राऽऽगच्छ. (4) The word is also used in the sense of a pause, or an interval of time when the consti- tuent elements of a compound word are shown separately; cf. समासेवग्रहो ह्रस्वसमकालः (V. Pr. V.1). (5) The word is also used in the sense of the absence of Sandhi when the Sandhi is admissible.

अवग्रहविराम the interval or pause after the utterance of the first member of a compound word when the members are uttered separately. This interval is equal to two moras according to Tait. Pr. while, it is equal to one mora according to the other Prātiśākhyas.