सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

दन्त्यस्य मूर्धन्यापात्तिर्नति: Uvaṭa on R. Pr. IV.34.

अनतिदिष्ट not resulting from any ex- tended application or अतिदेश, cf. प्रकृत्याश्रयं अनतिदिष्टं भवति M.Bh. on IV. 1.151.

अनत्यन्तगति absence of the verbal activity in all ways or respects in- complete activity; e.g. छिन्नकम् not completely cut, cf. अनत्यन्तगतौ क्तात् P. V.4.4.

अनद्यतन period of time not pertain- ing to the day in question; used in connection with past time, to express which the imperfect is generally used; also in connection with the future time, to express which the first future is generally used e g- ह्यः अपचत्, श्वः कर्ता etc. cf. P.III.2.111,113; III. 3.15,135: V.3.21.

अननुबन्घक without any mute signi- ficatory letter attached; अननुबन्धकपरि- भाषा is the short name given to the maxim-'अननुबन्धकग्रहणे न सानुबन्धकस्य ग्रह णम्' See M.Bh. on I.3.1: V.2.9. There is a reading in the Par. Śek. निरनुबन्धकग्रहणे for अननुबन्धकग्रहणे, in which case the परिभाषा is called निरनुबन्धकपरिभाषा. See Par. Śek. Pari. 81.

अनन्तर (l) immediate, contiguous अव्यवहित. cf. हलोनन्तराः संयोगः P.1. 1.7, also गतिरनन्तरः P. VI.2.49: cf. अनन्तरं संयोगः V. Pr.I.48. ; (2) nearest, as compared with others of the same type; cf. अथवा अनन्तरा या प्राप्तिः सा प्रतिषिध्यते M.Bh. on I.1.43; cf. Pari. Śek. अनन्तरस्य विधिर्वा भवति प्रतिषेधो वा, which means that a prescriptive or prohibitive rule applies to the nearest and not to the distant one.Par.Śek. 61,Cān. Par.30.

अनन्त्य non-final cf. अनन्त्यविकारे अन्त्यस- देशस्य when a change does not con-

cern a final letter then it concerns that which immediately precedes the final, Par. Śek. Pari 95. cf. also M. Bh. VI.1.13 Vārt 5.

अनन्य not different, the same: cf. एकदेशविकृतमनन्यवत् that which has got a change regarding one of its parts is by no means something else; Par. Śek. Pari. 37.

अनन्यवद्भाव being the same, being looked upon as not different. See अनन्य above.

अनभिधान inability to express the meaning desired. The expression न वा अनभिधानात् frequently occurs in the Mahābhāṣya referring to such words or phrases as could be form- ed by rules of grammar or could be used according to rules but,are not found in current use recogniz- ed by learned persons or scholars; cf. तच्चानभिधानं यत्राप्तैरुक्तं तत्रैव, अन्यत्र तु यथालक्षणं भवत्येव Padamañj. on III. 2.1;also cf. अनभिधानाद् व्यधिकरणानां बहुव्रीहिर्न भविष्यति । यत्र त्वभिधानमस्ति तत्र वैयधिकरण्येपि भवत्येव समासः, कण्ठेकाल इति; Nyāsa on II. 2.24: for examples of अनभिधान, sec also M.Bh.अभिधानलक्षणाः कृत्तद्धितसमासाः अनभिधानान्न भविष्यन्ति M. Bh. on III.3.19. also on III. 2.1. V.5, IV.2.1. See Kāś. on III,1.22, III.3.158.

अनभिनिर्वृत्त that which is not applied; lit.(an operation or vidhi) which has not taken place or which has not been effective; cf. प्रसक्तस्य अनभिनिर्वृत्तस्य प्रतिषेधेन निवृत्तिः शक्या कर्तुं नानभिनिर्वृत्तस्य M. Bh. on I. 1.5; IV. 1.37. Cf. also न चानभिनिर्वृत्ते बहिरङ्गे अन्तरङ्गं प्राप्नोति । तत्र निमित्तमेव बहिरङ्गमन्तरङ्गस्य M.Bh. on VI.4.22: VIII.3.15.

अनभिहित not conveyed or expressed by another i.e. by any one of the four factors viz.verbal affix, kṛt affix,taddhita affix and compound. The rule अनभिहिते (P. II.3.I) and