सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

xxx] EELATION TO THE KHILAS [introcliiction

Brhaddeyata about the Idiilas, or supplementary hymns, are curious. Both of these subjects have been ably discussed by Prof. Oldenberg in his Prolegomena ^ with reference to the evidence then available.

15. The khilas of the Kg-veda in the Brhaddevata.

With regard to the khilas, a more trustworthy text than Mitra’s, and the discovery of new evidence, enable us now to speak with greater precision on many points. Thus we can now say certainty that

the Brhaddevata knows nothing of four khilas wliieh in his

prefece to the Kgvidhana (p. xxvi), supposes to be referred to in the corrupt MS. (b) of the Brhaddevata which he used.

The relation of our text to the khilas is peculiar in two ways. In the first place, the Sarvanukramani, which is so largely based on tlie Brhaddevata, makes no mention of the thirty-seven kliilas ^ to whieli the Brhaddevata refers. It only notices the group of khilas in the eighth Mandala^, besides referring to the existence, after Rg-veda i. 99, of a group of hymns by Kasyapa

In the second place, of the twenty-five khilas printed in AufrechPa

and of the thirty-two in Max Muller’s edition of the Rg-vada^, the Brhaddevata refers to only seven while, on the other hand, it mentions

thirty other khilas not in Aufrecht.

Of the total of thirty-seven khilas, eleven occur after JIg-veda i. 73, seven are found at the end of the fifth Mandala, one after vi. 44 (ii), the remaining eighteen being scattered through the latter half of the tenth Mandala Of the thirty not in Aufrecht, about twenty have been known

^ Die Hymnen des Rg-veda, Band i, Mo- trische nnd texfcgeschiclitliclie Prolegomena, Berlin, 1888 ; see chapter v : Die Sakala-und die Vashkala-SikhS..

^ These may be found in their respective places by consulting Appendix iii, Index of Deities, part i, pp. 116 3ff. ; and the correspond- ing pratikas in Appendix i, part i, pp. 105 ff.

® One of these (58) is not mentioned in any MS. of Sarvanukramani^ two of themg57, 58) are not mentioned in the Brhaddevata, while the whole group is ignored in the Araanu- kramani,

^ This reference is based on Brhaddevatii iii. 130 : see note ^

® Second ed., vol. ii, pp. 672-688.

® Seconded., voL iv, pp, 519-541 ; see intx’o- ductory remarks there.

^ Aufrecht's vii, viii xviii, (M.M.

xxvii), xxii, xxiii, xxv.

® Two after x* 84, one after 85, two after 103, three after 128, one after 137, ivfo after 151, one after 162, one after 166, mm after $84, four after 191. In these thirty-seven khilas wo probably have the additional, matter of the Baakala recension which the Brhaddevata follows (cp, iii. 1,25 and Antivaklinnkramtin! 21). They probably constitute eiglit groups corresponding to the eight hymns which tlio Bflskalas are stated to .have .iii' excess of tlie S'akalas (Anuv. Anuk., 36),. Thus thO' olevan Sauparna klrilas would form ono (ep. Wcibor, Literature, p. 313, .bottom) and BoijiJMfim and the two, following would' foxua another of .fifteen stan^sas. (op,. Oldenberg, .Frolegomona, p. 495 } bottom).