सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

MEAN LONGITUDE WITHOUT AHARGANA denotes the time in mean lunar months, days, and ghatis¹ elapsed since the beginning of mean Caitra up to the mean sunrise on the current lunar day. Likewise m months + d days + (2)-(4) denotes the time in mean solar months, days, ghatis, etc. elapsed since the beginning of the curent mean solar year up to the mean sunrise on the current lunar day. 2 Let M, D, G, V, and P denote respectively the mean solar months, mean solar days, mean solar ghatis, mean solar vighatis, and mean solar pravighatis elapsed since the beginning of the current mean solar year up to the mean sunrise on the current lunar day. Then evidently mean longitude of the Sun and mean longitude of the Moon because = M signs, D degrees, G minutes, V seconds, and P thirds. (m signs and d degrees) + [minutes, seconds, etc. corresponding to (2)]-[degrees, minutes, etc. corresponding to (4)]; 13 [m signs and d degrees + (minutes, seconds, etc. corresponding to (2))]- [degrees, minutes, etc. corresponding to (4) ], (1/12) (mean longitude of the Moon - mean longitude of the Sun) = m signs + d degrees + [minutes, seconds, etc. corresponding to (2) ].³ 13 11 hour 1 ghati 1 vighati — = 21 ghatis, 60 vighatis, 60 pravighatis. 2 Because (4) is equal to { fraction of a lunar month between the beginning of Caitra and the beginning of the current mean solar year} + {fraction of an intercalary month corresponding to the tithis elapsed up to the beginning of the current mean lunar day since the beginning of Caitra}+{fraction of an intercalary month corresponding to the avamaseșa, i.e, the lunar portion between the beginning of the current lunar date and the following sunrise }. 3 This equality is based on the fact that the left hand side denotes the mean lunar date (madhyama-tithi). Vide infra, iv. 31.