सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:आपस्तम्ब-श्रौतसूत्रम्(प्रथमोभागः) Apastamba Srauta Sutram.pdf/१०

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

SARANA ajoy! 30 samdhi, so far as these violations served in lieu of a slight punctnation, or marked a break in the sense, or were inten- ded to secure greater clearness. It may be well to mention, that the MSS. of the cominentary for the most part read arra, while I have uniformly written atata in the edition. 7.83 Unfortunately, as the list of errata shows, a number of typographical errors have remained uncorrected. These, hope, the reader will excuse in view of the great distance of t my abode, Königsberg, from the place of printing, Calcutta. I found that I must either content myself with the revision of a single proof, or face the unpleasant alternative of an indefinite postponement of the completion of the publication. Even under these dircumstances, the present edition is--I / venture to hope-satisfactorily correct. And for this I have, to thank the carefulness of the skilful compositor, and especially the great kindness of Dr. Hoernle, who voluntarily ssamed the labour of regularly reading the second proof. R. GARBE. Königsberg, May 1882.