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पृष्ठम्:Birds in Sanskrit literature.djvu/१२९

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

220 Birds in Sanskrit Literature a patient of fevers. This would seem to be the white Falcon, "Taighoon", mentioned in the Memoirs of Jehangir (Tuzuk-i-Jehangiri, trans. by A. Rogers, Vol. 2, pp 10-11). It has not been possible for me to find out the Persian names of the other two 'great northern' Falcons. The smaller Sparrow Hawks have been described in the book under the names बासा, वेसर and fer. These and their males will be discussed in the section on Hawks. 5. The following lists of vernacular names of the different Hawks and Falcons current in North India and Bihar should prove very useful in the elucidation of the Sanskrit and other names given in paragraphs 2 and 31 above: बहरी, कुही, लगर, जरकटी, बाज, जुर्रा, बांसा, शाहीन, तुरमती, सचान चरखा, टोना, बेसरा --हिन्दी शब्दसागर' पाझि, सारिम, नगल, बेसर, वेसरि, ठरङ्गल, भोरङ्गल, जुराटी, छुरिकार, छुरिआरी, जाम्रोल, दुनिजा, गुरछली, चिचुकार, सइचान - वर्णरत्नाकर, p. 36. A comparative study of the Sanskrit and vernacular names supplemented by similar information from the F.B.I. (Birds), Vol. V. leads to the follow- ing identifications and they given here as a preliminary to a more detailed consideration of these birds in the sections that follow. 1. Hawks and Falcons in मानसोल्लास :- शालिव- the Peregrine Falcon; वहरी of श्ये. शा. वहरी, बिहिरी in Hindi; Bhyri in F.B.I.; सारिम in वर्णरत्नाकर जावल- the Shaheen F; जावलूम्, in Telugu, कुही, and शाहीन in H. per हि. प. सा. and F.B.L.; ही in श्ये शा; जाओल in वर्णरत्ना. लग्न:- the Luggar F; लगर, लग्घढ़ in H. and F.B.I. प्राजिक- the Goshawk; वाजि, बाजी, वाज, in Sansk; बाज in H. and वर्णरत्नाकर F.B.I.; पामि in -the Kestrel; ing; but if the root word is 'association' it may be the male of i.e. Luggar F. सञ्चाण - the Shikra Hawk; सचान, सिचान in H; सञ्चान of lexicons including M M. W.; सहचान in वर्णरत्नाकर वेसर- The Besra Hawk and its allies; बेसरा in H. and F.B.I.; बेसर, वेसरि in वर्णरत्नाकर (viii) गुध-शशाद of श्ये. शा. is a Hawk-Eagle : (ix) जवलकण्ठिक- जमलकंठी of F.B.I. is the Crested Goshawk : (x) तोणक (v.1. द्रोणक; कोणक is a w.r.) द्रोणक in कल्प; तुन्ना, टोना in H. & F.B.I.; टुनिजा in वर्णरत्ना०; is the male of सञ्चान, the Shikra 1. "जुरी, बाज, बांसे, कुही, लगर, लौने टोने, जरकटी, त्यौं सचान, सानबारे है"-from "चिड़ीमारिन" a book of Hindi Poetry by Raghurája, quoted in हि. श. सा. under'लगर', जरकटी and are names for the Merlin F. "बांसा बटेर लव औ सिचान धूती रु चिप्पिका चटक मान" -सूर, quoted in ibid under चिप्पिका. Eagles, Falcons and Allied Birds (xi) 221 and its v. 11 is a corrupt compound the original of which is very difficult to determine. The separates it into af and arage. It therefore seems probable that the first element is f which may refer either to the Merlin or the Cherrug Falcon. The second element might be for the Basha Sparrow Hawk or the Hobby Falcon. All the four birds were used for Hawking and it is highly probable that at least two of them were included in the compound which has been corrupted. 2) Falcons and Hawks in vifirma (i)-the same as in (1) above: (ii) शशाद-- “गृध in (1) (viii) above : (iii) चरक-चरख of हि. श. सा.; चरग of ibid; and is the Saker or Cherrug Falcon of F.B.I. (iv) g-the same as unfer in (1) (i) above: (v) लगर-लग्न in (I) (iii) above : (vi) verfer-is probably the Hobby as discussed later : (vii) सुरुमती - सुरमती in H; तुरुमती in F.B.I. (जरकटी of हि. श. सा. and जेलकट in F.B.I. are the same); it is the Merlin Falcon: in (1) (iv) above: in F.B.I. is the Asiatic or the Indian. (viii) the same as if (ix) re-te in H. and Sparrow Hawk : + (x)-the same as are in (1) (vii) above: (xi ) सिचान सञ्चान in (1) (vi) above : (xii)-(xv) is the male of Goshawk; e, the male of the Sparrow- Hawk; fe, the male of the Besra Sparrow-Hawk; and the male of the Shikra as in (1) (x) above : All the names noted in this paragraph and others will be considered later with the individual Falcons and Hawks in sub-sections II and III of this section. II. FALCONS 1. This sub-section deals with the Sanskrit nomenclature of Falcons which, for their size, constitute a most remarkable group of birds. Bold and predacious by nature they possess an extraordinary keenness of vision, great strength, speed, and above all persistence. As trained birds they are loyal and greatly attached to their master whose voice and person they can recognize from a great distance and often utter a call of recogni- tion long before returning to the master's fist. The best representatives of the group are the Peregrine and the Shaheen Falcons and they must be given precedence over others in the discussion that follows. 2. The Peregrine or the Blue Hawk (19") is the Falcon par excellence and for this reason is simply known as 'Falcon' amongst British falconers. "For its size it is perhaps the most powerful bird of prey that flies, and