सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:ईशानशिवगुरुदेवपद्धतिः (प्रथमः भागः).djvu/११८

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति


114 . iśānaśivagurudevapaddhati upon the form of the god. The bases for the idols are also similarly made using the above materials. Selection of the wood, granite etc.. needs special knowledge on the part of the architect. If these are wrongly used the effect would be quite opposite. Hence the architect should be careful in selecting the appropriate material for the particular idol to be made. (37) Selection of the granite is an important aspect in making idols. The granite is to be carefully examined since it may contain holes, soft portions, and other inner defects. By applying various objects on the stone and keeping it for a day or two one can find out such natural defects of the stone. There are several methods to test the quality of the stones. In this connection various authorities like Maya, Bohattanrtra, Pingala, Manjarī etc., are quoted by our author. Idols made of defective stones bring about bad effects such as calamity to the country, destruction of the king, etc. (38) The measurements and other details of the idols are also taken up for consideration. Here again the author depends on authorities like Maya, and Yogasiva who have dealt with these aspects. Nāgara, Drāvida and Vesara forms of architecture are mentioned in this connection and the differences of opinion among the authorities are noted. The importance in adhering to the measurements is stressed since idols without such conformity are apt to bring evil effects to the people of the locality. There are four main varieties in idols. अथ लिङ्गस्थूलमूलं स्थूलमध्यं कृशं तथा । आर्षx स्थूलशिरस्कं च चतुर्थेति मयोदितम् ॥

These are the broad specification to which minor variations are also suggested

(39) This section is devoted to the description of the base in which the idols are to be fixed. The various measurements according to Nāgara, Drāvida and Vesara styles are noted. Bricks and granite are used to make bases. After prescribing the general features twelve varieties of bases are mentioned as follows : पीठानि स्युः क्रमात् तेषां प्रथमंमेरुसुन्दरम् । वर्धमानं द्वितीयं स्यात् लक्ष्मीसुन्दरमप्यय ।।