सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:ईशानशिवगुरुदेवपद्धतिः (प्रथमः भागः).djvu/७९

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Kriyāpāda After Mantras. Ceremonial bathing of the idol is necessary. removing the previous day's garland etc., oil is to be applied on the idol At the time of bathing, this oil is to be removed by the flour of wheat or beans. When water is poured, there should be the beating of drums and other musical instruments. After this the water is to be dried up using fresh clothes. When the deity is con cieved in a picture, diagram etc., there is no place for ceremonial bathing. Then the idol is to be decorated with clothes, ornaments and garlands. Incenses and lamps should be used for worship. Cooked food and other items of oblations must be offered to the deity every day. The number of Upacāras differ according to different authori- ties. Some consider that there should be twenty-five or thirtysix modes of worship. Saiva tantras prescribe details for these items. The section is concluded with the following observation. इति निगदितमार्गस्तूपचारा: प्रदिष्टा:

पृथगिह परिपाट्या शैवतन्त्रेषु दृष्टाः | यजन विधिषु शम्भो र्वेदितव्या यथावत् स्वभिमतफल सिद्धिः स्यात् यथा भक्तिभाजाम् ॥ (6) There are six major aspects for the rituals. They are Mantra, Mudrā, Kunda, Mandala, Dravya and Sādhaka. The presence of these is essential for a Tantric rite. It is said : अङ्गैः षड्भिः स्यात् क्रियायाः प्रसिद्धि- र्मन्त्रामुद्राकुण्डवन्मण्डलानि । द्रव्यावाप्तिः साधकाश्चेति सम्यग् वक्ष्यन्ते तान्यत्र तन्त्रोदितानि || In the Tantric system Mantra is most important for worship. The word Mantra has two aspects, Manana-medition and Trāna- protection. It is held : मननत्राणधर्मत्वं वाचके दैवतस्य तु । यत्र तन्मन्त्रसंज्ञं स्याद् ह्रस्वदीर्घादिलक्षणैः || मननात् सर्वभूतानां त्राणात् संसारसागरात् । मन्त्ररूपा हि तच्छक्तिर्मननत्राणधर्मिणी । 75