सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:ईशानशिवगुरुदेवपद्धतिः (प्रथमः भागः).djvu/४०

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

36 Isanaśivagurudevapaddhati उत्सवेषु विविधेष्वपि दीक्षा स्थापनादिषु पवित्रविधौ च । मङ्गलाङ्कुरविरोपणपूर्वं मङ्गलं भवति कर्म कृतं तत् ॥ The sowing of seeds should be done five, seven or nine days before the selected day for the festival. It should be an auspicious day. Beans, seasamuns, rice and other seeds should be boundled together during night and dipped in milk and water before being sown the next day. The sowing should be preceded by rituals like the chanting of Mantras etc. On the appointed day the preceptor should examine the growth and decide on expiatory ceremonies if any variety fails to sprout. Depending on the growth or damage of the sprouts the success or failure can be ascertained. (13) This section is devoted to Mantradikṣā-a ceremonial vow to be undergone by the preceptor. He should enter the sacrificial place decorated with festoons and flower garlands. After performing warship to the sacred fire he should propitiate Vighnaraja to ward off obstacles. A diagram should be made with powder of different colours. It should have division according to specification. The preceptor as well as his disciple should occupy their respective places wearing white garments. They should meditiate upon the goddess in the form of universe. Again they should offer oblations to the sacred fire. The disciple should purify himself mentally following the instruction of his preceptor. This kind of Mantradikṣã would remove the sin acquired during seven previous cycles of birth. (14) The fourteenth and final Pațala of the Samanyapāda deals with thirty-two types of sacred fire, other types of Vedic fire, control of internal veins and Saiva and Vaiṣṇava modes of fire worship. The section is entirely devoted to the different forms of fire worship which are conducive to the welfare of the Sadhaka. Generally speaking the fire worship is of four kinds, Vaidika, Saiva, Vaiṣṇava and Kämya to be followed by people of these cults respectively. अथाग्नेयास्तु कथ्यन्ते कल्पा: संकल्पितार्थदाः । वैदिकः प्रथमः कल्प: शैवो वैष्णव एव च ॥ काम्याश्चेति चतुर्थाग्नेः कल्पास्युस्तन्त्रचोदिता: 11