सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:ईशानशिवगुरुदेवपद्धतिः (प्रथमः भागः).djvu/३९

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Sāmānyapāda 35 huge demon who lies in the ground extending his hand and legs and placing his face down. It is said : दीक्षासु देवालयमण्डपानां वेश्मादिकृत्येऽपि च विघ्नशान्तौ । वास्त्वीशपूजां प्रथमं विदध्यात् संवर्तयेत् सर्वसमीहितानाम् ॥ वास्त्वीशनामा ह्यसुरोऽनिकायो देवैः पुरा दत्तवरोऽतिपूज्यः । शेतेस्म भूम्यां प्रविसार्य पादौ हस्तौ तथाधोवदनः सदैव ॥ Over his huge limbs lie thirty to deitis who are two be pleased. A spuare diagram is to be drawn on the choosen site. The square is to be devided into sixty four segments if Brahmins do the worship and it should be divided into one hundered and twenty-eight if kings and others are to do the worship. Oblations of cooked rice etc., are to be pleced in the respective divisions of the square. Brahmins are entitled to perform Vāstuhoma — a kind of sacrificial ritual especially in connection with the house warming ceremony. In fact there are three kinds of worship in this connec- tion. They are Pūjā, Bali and Homa. It is said : दीक्षाप्रसङ्गादिति वास्तुपूजा बलिश्च होमोऽपि च तन्त्रसिद्धः । This type of ceremony may be held in the case of new houses, temples, sacrificial places etc. प्रासादं भवनं प्रपादिकमथो यद्वापि यागालयं. कृत्वा तक्षकरात् प्रगृह्य तु ततः सूत्रत्रयाविष्टितान् । कौश्या चापि च मालया तु परितः संवेष्ट्य धान्याक्षतैः, सर्वत्र प्रविकीर्य पूर्णकलशं दीपं च मध्ये न्यसेत् ॥ Vedic hymns are freely adapted as Mantras for the purpose. The following lines specify this. इषे त्वेत्यादिना तद्वदग्निमीले तु चादिना । अग्न आयाहिपूर्वण शन्नोदेवीरथादिना || This shows how Vedic passages are utilized in connection with domestic as well as temple rituals. ( 12 ) This section deals with Ankurārpana—the sowing of seeds on the site of the ritual or festival. Only fertile land should be selected for temples or sacrificial places. To ascertain this seeds are sown,