सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:ईशानशिवगुरुदेवपद्धतिः (प्रथमः भागः).djvu/२१

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति


Ifansivaguru-The Author एते भूतगणावसन्ति विविधाः शून्यालये चत्वरे शून्यग्रामसुरालयेषु नगरे शून्ये च चैत्यद्रुमे । बाधन्ते व्रणपीडितांश्च कृपणान् दुष्टात्मनो व्याधितान् तेभ्यस्तत्र बलिप्रदानममितं नित्यं क्रमात् कारयेत् ॥

एषां दिशासुविदिशासु विधाय पूजा

मासाद्य बाह्यनिहितं बलिपीठमुच्चैः।

मन्त्ररमीभिरभितो विकिरेद्दिशासु

पीठस्य बाह्यभुवि तत्र बलिं क्रमेण ॥

In these stanzas the author deals with the Bhūtas installed in the temple campus for the protection of the shrine. In the first stanza it is said that numerous are the Bhūtas. In the second verse the places assigned to them are noted while in the third the mode of offering to these minor deities is mentioned. The author must nave fiourished in the 11th century A.D. This useful work remains unpublished though it has been quoted by later writers profusely.

There is also an unpublished commentary on Prayogamanjari styled Pradyota. It is composed by Trivikrama, the son of Narayana. it is assigned to the 15th century A.D. The following stanzas occuring at the beginning of the work reveal the parentage of the author as well as the scope of the commentary. आद्रपादकुलोद्भूतनारायणतनू द्भवः । त्रिविक्रमोऽहं मञ्जर्या व्याख्यां कुर्वे यथाश्रुतम् ।।

तिरोहितार्थवाक्यानां पदानाञ्च यथामति ।
स्वार्थमेवापरिच्छिद्य श्रृतार्थस्य स्मृतेरिमाम् ॥
निखिलागमार्थसार प्रयोगमजयगाधकमलिन्याः ।

प्रसृता त्रिविक्रमाख्या व्याख्या प्रद्योत एव बोधाय ॥

The Pradyota commentator has given some information about Ravi, the author of Prayoga mañjari. It seems that he has personally known the author of Mañjari The village of the author given as Siva pura has been identified by the commentator as 'Cokira' in Kerala and known in later literature as Sukapura. Many early works are referred by the commentator in his treatise and it contains much historical information on ancient Kerala.