सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

58 of an intoxicated elephant, the cranes supplying the white turban and lightning waving the showrie. अनुहुए पतं. रूपकालधारा-[मलाका०] बलाका एक पाण्डुरं श्वेतोष्णीषम् --[वि.] -विशुदेवोरिक्ष धामरं यत्र Cf.- 'हसतीय बलाकाभित्यसीव तरिक्रुजैः । रोदितीवाम्बुधाराभिरुन्मत्तकमिवाम्बरम्। Subhashit âvali 1725. P. 125. L. 10,13 (Verse 20). The sky is darkened as the clouds, gloomy like the wet tamála leaves, have swallowed up the Sun thereof. The ant-hills, being smitten by the torrents, sink down like the elephante pierced with the arrows. The streak of lightning appears to be a golden lamp gleaning on the top of the mansion. The moonlight like the consort of a humble lord is forcibly snatched up by the clouds. मेघेषु हटकामुकत्वारोपः---[आपीस०] आपीत: आम्छादितः सूर्यों यस्य-In which the Sun is eclipsed totally. उपमालकारः, Metre शार्दूलविक्रीडितम्. P. 125. L. 15–16 (Verse 21). These clouds, with string of ligtn- ing tied round their cinctares, dashing against each other, as it were, like the elephants, and shedding torrents of rain, being con- manded by Iudra, lift up the earth by means of silvor chains as it were. --- [अभिट्टा---To assail.---[विधुदू]-विशुदेव गुणाः तेन बद्धाः कक्षामध्य- भागाः येषां. अत्राप्युरप्रेक्षव वाच्या. इन्द्रोपेन्द्रवज्रयोः संमेलनादुपजातिवृत्तम्. P. 125. L. 18-21 (Verse 22). The clouds, dark like the herd of the buffaloes and inflated by the stormy wind and moving in the atmosphere like the seas by their wings of lightning, pierce with their showers as if with diamond-darts, the earth clothed in fresh verdure of sprouts and exhaling great smell.-[गन्धोद्दामा.] तीवगन्ध- युक्ता-~shedding abundant odours.--[परा.] Earth. 'धरा धरित्री घरणिः' अमर धरा, धारा-अनुप्रास: शरैभिवत इव उत्प्रेक्षा, शिखरिणीच्छन्द- (य, म,न, स, भ, ल, ग.). P. 126. L. 1-4 (Verse 23). Huiled loudly by the peacocks with their shrill cries (lit. called upon with the words come hither), hurriedly and longingly caressed by the cranes and anxiously looked at by the swans disdaining lotuses, yonder rises the cloud darkening all the quarters as it with collirium.- [एहोहोति.] Peacocks are imagined to ory 'एहि एहीति'-come, come.-- (alstüar]. The cranes fly towards him to embrace suddenly and delightfully.--गोस्पतिहेतुत्वात बलाकयालिझिसा तथा चोक्त 'गर्म बलाका दध- तेऽनयोगानाके निबद्भावलयः समन्तात्.'--[मेचकाः] Dark-blue. 'मेयकः श्यामले कृष्णे तिमिरे बर्दिचन्द्रके' इति हैम:-मच् + पुश् (५।३५)+इवे (१०३७) गुण ॥३॥८६. -[केका)-'केकावाणी मयूरस्य'-इत्यमरः. के मूर्धनि 'कायते, कै शब्दे अन्येभ्योपि दृश्यते (०२११०१) इति डर, हलदन्तात्-६९ इत्यलुक्. The ory of a peacook. उत्प्रेक्षालारस, शार्दूलविक्रीडितं सम्.