सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

40 with sandal or cool like sandal. Rhetorical figure T. Motra पुष्पिताना, also called औपच्छन्दसिक. P. 88. L. 13. [urarar*)--(lit. bull's eye) air-hole or window- गवामक्षीव or गावो जलानि किरणा चाक्षन्ति व्याप्नुवन्ति एतमनेन वा-अर्तम) धम्. P. 88. I.. 15. [भुजिष्य -(भुज-किप्यन्). (1) slave, (2) Companion. 'भृत्ये दासेरदासेयदासगोप्यकचेटकाः, नियोज्य किंकरप्रैग्यभुजियपरिचारका'- अमर:- भुझे स्थाम्युच्छिष्टं भुज्यते या 'रुचियुजिभ्यां किष्यन्' (उणा० ४.१७९), भुजिया.] A. concubine. S'arvilaka wanted to make her his lawful wife and free her from prostitution. He was required to purchase Mada- nikå for this purpose and amply pay Vasantaseni's avaricious mother, who rould not liberate her but for suflicient sum to procure which he committed theft mentioned above. P. 89. L. 3. [7] Under the apprehension of sin aris- ing from over-hearing other's secrets. P. 89. It. 4. Will Vasantsend monumit you by recompense. P. 89. L. 13-14 (Verse 5). Overcome by indigence and full of love for you I, O timid lady, committed a precipitato act for your sake.--[979.] Full of or filled with.—[xfre] Woman.--* मीरुः कामिनी वामलोचना.'-अमर.. 'भीरुः स्यात् कातरे नार्याम्'-अजयः.- [साह- 4.1 Rockless act. P. 90. I. 3. [weiteaga..] Of good character. P. 90. L. 6-9 (Verso 6). I do not plunder a blossoming creeper-like ornamentod lady: I pilfer neither the riches of a Brahman nor gold uor wealth collected for sacrificial purposes. For the obtainmont of wealth. I do not bear off the babo in the lap of a nurse, --so even in filchivg my wisdom always differcntiates vice from virtue. -[विप्रस्वम्-विप्रस्य भूदेवस्य स्वं धनम्-Property of a Brahman, The stealing of a Brahman's property is a great sio, so is the theft of gold. Cf. Manu VIII. 389.- 'तथा धरिममेयानां शतादभ्यधिके वधः। सुवर्णरजतादीनां उत्तमानां च वाससाम् ॥ and माह्मणस्वापहरणात् सर्वांगेपु प्रजायते। येदना दारुणा तप्तज्वरचैव भवेत्सदा ॥ देवमाणद्रव्यचौरः कृष्णसर्पः पवनेतरभोगरहितः । Ranuvîrakärita Pâyas'chitta Blága. Similarly-Manu on the stealth of goll. **t sarei &c. The stealing of gold is looked down as a heinous crime-ram. Cf.Manu XI. 99-100. अत ऊर्व प्रवक्ष्यामि सुवर्णस्तेयनिष्कृतिम् . देवस्य ब्राह्मणवं वा लोमेनोपहिनस्ति यः। स पापारमा परे लोके गृधोच्छिष्टेम जीवति ।