सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्


 It is with pleasure that I welcome this opportunity to offer the Gopālasahasranāmastotram to our readers, particularly at a time when the T.T.D. has just completed the silver Jubilee celebrations. On this occasion several books and monographs have been brought out, which serve as TTD's humble contribution to Indian religious literature.

 The Gopālasahasranāma contains 193 verses in simple Sanskrit, accompanied by 1000 names of Gopala (Sri Krishna), which are meant to be sung by the devotees, and it has been narrated by Lord Siva to Parvati. Although the exact date of its composition cannot be fixed with certainty, it may well be placed at the time when the Bhakti school of Vaishnavism reached its height. It deals with the ten incarnations of Vishnu. Yet Lord Krishna plays a significant role in the poem. The Radha-Krishna cult is vividly portrayed here.

 In fact the central theme of the lyric revolves round the doctrine of devotion (bhakti) towards the Lord, and it is drawn from the Puranas which depict the life and exploits of Krishna. Its affiliation to the Vaishnava School is certain. But occasionally the influence of Pancaratra and the Tantras can be seen in the book. The author of the poem has shown that from one eternal light springs forth Radha and Krishna.

 The TTD undertook the publication of the poem (critically edited by Drs M.D. Balasubrahmanyam and N. S. R. Tatacharya, with a simple and fine commentary by the latter) for two reasons: first, that the previous editions were not critically constituted. and second, that this devotional poem must be popularised in South India. As a matter of fact one can hear its recitation in the temple towns of Mathura, Brindavan and other sacred centres in general and the Northern school of Vaishnavism in particular.

 The benefits accruing from the daily recitation of the text have been stated at the end of the devotional poem. Its study