सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

98 P. 225. L. 19. [अपश्चिम] Having no other in the rear, last. ck- 'अयमत्र ते जन्मन्यपश्चिमः पश्विमावस्थाप्रार्थितो मकरन्दयाहुपरिष्वर--Malatt- Madhava. 'प्रसीदतु महाराजा ममानेनापश्चिमेन प्रणयेन'-Venisamharas P. 226.L.2-3 (Verse 43). Men after their expiration survive in their sons-~-so transfer the affection you cherished for me to my Rohasena. For देहप्रतिकृति ef.---- 'अनावशात् सम्भवसि हदयादधिजायसे।। 'आरमा वै पुत्रनामासि स जीव शरदः शतम्। P. 228. L. 8. [पटुः] is used as a depreciatory term. Cf. Mudra- rakshasa'चाणक्यबद्धना.' P. 226. L. 16--19 (Verse 43). My innocence might have been tested by the different inodes of ordeal-trial by poison, water, Scales or fire. Had I failed, the saw might have been applied to my body. As you murder me, an innocent Brahman on the mere charge of a malicious enemy you shall the hurled into infernal regions together with your progeny.-[अथ e.] is a curse-the chief weapon of the Briumans. Cf. Manu-- "अदण्क्षयान् दण्डयन राजा दपच्यांश्चैवाप्यदण्डयन् । अयशो महदामोति नरकं चैव गच्छति ॥" Manusmriti VIII. 128. For the modes of ordeal see Yajnavalkya. pp. 164-180%; also Viramitrodaya pp. 241-87. मालिनी metre, कायलिङ्गमलङ्कारः. ActX. P. 227. L. 4-5 (Verse 1). Don't you see-we are clever in •dealing with a new culprit and expert in axecution.-नववध०]- नवं नूतनवधाय बन्धनं सस्य नयनं साधनमिति यावत् तत्र-in the management of cording the doomed. उपगीति measure. 'आर्यापराईतुस्मे दलद्वये प्राहुरुपगीतिम्. P.227. L. 7-8 (Verse 2). Adorned with the garland of fra. grant oleander and attended by us, his executioners, he approaches his end slowly like a lamp ill-ted with oil.-[मन्द नेहः]-~-मन्दः स्वस्प: नेहः प्रेम, देहान्तर्गसशोणितादिधातुरसो वा पक्षे सैलं यस्य सः. Cf. the speech of .the Chindilas figuring in the Mudrarakshasa. आर्या metre. The paraphornalia and circumstances of a public execution ac- cording to Hindu fashions are interestingly described here ; the scantinoss of the official attendance shows that the people were as easily managed then as at any subsequent period. The character of the executioner corresponds precisely with that of the Roman