सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

100 आर्या metre. For the fuller account of the flag, its mythical origin, time of erection, aim &c. 800 43rd chapter of the Brihat. samhita of Vardhamihira.-[हंडे.] A vocative particle used by equals of the lowest oaste in addressing each other. Cf.---"हण्डे हले हलाव्हाने नीचां चेटी सखी प्रति-अमरसिंहा. P.228. L. 12--13 (Verse 8). The flower of the city boing put to death by the ordinance of Yama, is it that the whole sky weeps or the thunderbolt falls without a cloud. आर्या metre. P.238. I. 15-16 (Verse 9). Neither does the sky shed tears nor the thunderbolt fall without a cloud-torrents of water fali from the yonder cloud of crowded women, in the form of gushing tears. उपगीति metre. रूपकमेवालङ्कारः, P,229. L.2-3 (Verse 10). The culprit being conveyed to the execution ground, each and every one weeps so much so that the dust, being wet with the tears, docs not rise at all. आर्याछन्दः. P. 229. L. 6-6 (Verse 11). These females on their rman- sions, peeping through the windows (lit. with faces emerged from the windows) and pitying my miserable condition, are shedding floods of tears (lit, as if through channels).-प्रणाली.] Watercourse (घ–णत्वं-डी). 'द्वयोः प्रणाली पयसः पदव्या-अमरः. इन्द्रवज्रा metre. P. 229. L. 13.[लोन] also spelt as लोत्रम्-stolen property, booty. ('लोत्रं तु तदनं'--इत्यमरः, 'लोत्रमश्रुणि चोरिते' इति विश्वः). Cf. Vikramor. vasi II. 'लोपत्रेण गृहीतस्य कुम्भीलकस्यास्ति वा प्रतिवचनम् !'-[स्वयं च प्रसिपन्नः] He has himself acknowledged or confessed his guilt. P. 230. L. 2-5 (Verse 12). My illustrious lincage sanctified by the performance of innumerable sacrificos and exalted by the recitation of the Vedic hymns in the over-crowded sanctuaries and altars is (soiled being) publicly announced by sinful eroatures wholly unworthy of it when I am to be put to death! मालिनी वृत्तम्- उदात्तमलङ्कारः, 'उदास वस्तुनः संपन्, महसां चोपलक्षणं' Kavya.X.29. --[मखः] sacrifice (मखू गतौ-घञ् संज्ञापूर्वकत्वान्न वृद्धिः ).-[चैत्यं.] sacrificial plot.- 'चैत्यमायतनं सुल्ये-इत्यमरः. This verso as well as the speech of the Chandalas (एशेशत्यवाह &c.) is cited in the Dasaripaka pp. 28-29, as an example of Prasang (प्रसाः गुरुकीर्तन).-[महान्.] Vedic hymns or prayer. In Vedas it means a priest when accented on the last syllable and prayer when on the first. Cf.-'ते प्रमाण समृर्षि सुमेधा' Rv.X. 125,5, 'प्रायत्यासि शवसिनषीणां Rv. 7-28. In classial Sanskrit it signifies 'ब्रह्मस्वतपोवेदे न दूयो पुसि वेधसि । ऋषिगयों- गभिदोविने मेदिनी. The verses characterise the sublimity and elevation of Charu- datta