सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/२४३

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act V, Notes & Translation

 Translation :-Let the nearest relatives of those slain on the battle-field cremate the dead bodies of the latter ; let these (surviving) kinsmen offer, somehow with a heavy heart, to (their dead) kinsmen the funeral libation mixed with their own tears; let people search for the dead bodies of their kinsmen torn as they are by vultures and herons, in the thick mass o slain people. Here the sun has set along with our enemies (i.e. the sun has set and our enemies have fallen too) ; so let the forces be withdrawn.

 The artificial form of expression in ‘रिपुभिः सह भास्वान् अस्तं प्रयातः ' is an illustration of the figure of speech called सहोक्ति.

 St. 37. युष्माद्विजयि इदं धनुः कर्णक्रोधेन एतानि अहानि त्यक्तम् । अस्मिन् शूर शून्यै रणे वने इव भवतां प्रौढ विक्रान्तं आसीत् । अनवजितन्यस्तहेतेः पितुः उत्तामाङ्ग स्पर्श स्मृत्वा उपेतः पाण्डवानां कल्पामिः द्रुपदसुतचमूचस्मरः द्रौणिः अस्मि ।

 युष्मद्विजयि–युष्मान् विजेतुं शीलं यस्य तथाभूतं (धनुः) an Upapada compound. 'Capable of vanquishing you.'

 एतानि अहानि-accusative of time showing duration.

 अनवजित......हेतेः-अनवजितः, न्यस्ताः हेतयः येन तथाभूतश्च, तादृशस्य (पितुः). Who had laid down his missiles without being vanquished.

 घस्मर- Vide note p. 59.

 Translation:-This bow, so surely capable of overcoming you was cast of (by me) so long owing to resentment against Karna ; and, on this battle-field thus left devoid of true warriors, your valour loomed conspicuous as in a desolate wilderness. But here am I, the son of Drona, the fire of world destruction for the Pandavas and the wholesale slaughterer of the army of Drupada's son (i.e. Dhristadyumna), now approaching with my memory brooding over the outrageous touch of the head of my father when, without being vanquished, he had laid down his missiles.

 P. 76. द्रोणवध......पावकः-द्रोणवध एवं परिभवः, तेन उद्दीपितः । क्रोधरूपः पावकः यस्य तथाभूतः.

 अमरोपमः-अमरः उपमा यस्य तथाभूतः ।

 प्रत्युपगमन and प्रत्युद्गमन mean stepping forth in order to receive.