सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/२२९

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act V, Notes & Translation

 ‘तात' is a term of endearment used by an elder in addressing a younger in a tone of mild persuasion. Comp. Marathi 'बाबारे'

 V. L. 'देवा वा’ for 'दायादाः;' here 'बा' would have to be taken, in the unusual sense of 'अपि' 'वत्सानां निधनाच मारुतिरसौ शेषप्राज्ञस्त्वयि' for the third line. This reading is good.

 यावत्प्रणिति......प्रज्ञावताम्- here seeking to vanquish the enemy (विजिगीषु) is fit to be counseled (ought to be counseled by the wise as long as he lives.

 'उपदेष्टयभूमिः '==उपदेशभूमि , the potential passive: participle, ‘उपदेष्टव्य' being used in the neuter gender as a substantive and so, as construed with the phrase ‘उपदेष्टव्यभूमिः' the noun denoting this agent of counseling (प्रज्ञावन्तः ) must stand in the genitive cause, and 'प्रज्ञावताम्,' therefore, cannot be treated as equivalent to the: instrumental 'प्रज्ञावद्भिः '. The meaning of the whole phrase is fit object of counsel for the wise.

 शणुमस्तावतु......मुपदेशमू-Said rather tauntingly. 'We are ready to listen from yourself as a wise man any fitting counsel to be offered to us. In 'अस्मान् प्रति’ ‘प्रति' is used as a कर्मप्रचनीय.

 यदि प्रकृतिमापद्यस- If you would master your anger, if you would regain your cool temper.

 संधतां युधिष्ठिरम्-‘धा with सम्' as meaning to make peace with, is intransitive in Sanskrit ; so when used transitively as here, 'संधा' means 'to win over,' ' to (conciliate. The resulting idea is the same , however .

 ईप्सितपणबन्धेन–इप्सितस्य पणस्य बन्धन. (1) By stipulating such terms as may be acceptable (to the enemy); or (2) by forming such all agreement or coming to such an understanding as may be welcome (to either party).

 In (1) पण terms stipulated; in (2) पण---agreement or treaty.

 तनयस्नेहवैक्लव्यात्-तनयेषु or rather तनये यः स्नेहः तेन वैक्लव्यं, तस्मात् (निमित्तात्), ()wing to her being overcome with tenderness towards her sons or rather her surviving son, Duryodhana.

 बालिशत्वेन--Owing to his puerileness or immaturity of judgment .

 प्रभवति पुत्रनाशजन्मा हृदयज्वरः-पुत्रनाशजन्मा===पुत्रनाशात् जन्म यस्य तथाभूतः, It is the anguish of mind due to the loss of the sons that prevails or asserts itself.