सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/१२७

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act I, Notes & Translation

 सानुनयम् । In a persuasive tone. सहदेव repeats the Sutradhara's utterance with a tone and gestures calculated to bring put the ominous meaning of the stanza.

 P. 4.  सोपालम्भम्ः-Tauntingly, in a tone of irony. सन्धेयाः -Fit to be treated with.

 St. 9. राजा निषेद्धा न स्याचेत् पदे पदे कृतवैरान् धृतराष्ट्रस्य तनयान् तवानुमः कः क्षमेत ।

 If the King (युधिष्ठिर) were not to restrain or prohibit, which of your younger brothers would forgive the Sons of Dhritarastra that have given us provocation at every step ?

 कृतवैराः कृतं वैरं यैः a, who have given offence or provocation, who have actively fostered hostility.

 St. I0. शिशोरेव मम कुरुभिः यद्वैरं प्रवृद्धं खलु तत्र न आर्यों हेतुर्भवति न किरीटी भवति) न च युबां (भवत:)। पुनरपि विरूढं जरासंधस्येारःस्थलमिव भीमः कुधा संधि विघटयति यूयं घटयत ।

 With regard to my enmity with the Kauravas which, indeed grew up while yet I was a child, neither our worthy brother (युधिष्ठिं), nor Arjuma nor you two have been the cause, Bhima shall angrily break up the peace as he did the chest of Jarasandha, which healed up again (as often as it was split); do you restore it (as best you may).

 The argument is that Bhima's enemity with the kauravas is all his own a and none of his brothers is really concerned in it. That is reason enough why he should not agree with his brothers in their policy to make peace-why he would have his own way and pursue the policy of keeping alive the enmity till he should have his revenge upon the enemy.

 जरासंधः-Jarasandha was a Kshatriya king born with a body, not whole and sound, but lying in two parts asunder. The two parts were joined into one by a Rakshasi, named Jara, The result was that Jarasandha thenceforward carried a Sort of charmed body and when Bhima split his chest into two, the two parts few together and formed into one ; till at last Bhima came to know the secret and he cast the two parts of the body crosswise, instead of allowing them to lice side by side and then the slaughter was final.