सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/१९३

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act III, Notes & Translation

factory, especially when a simpler reading is to be found. 'तत्तुल्यकर्म' is preferable in my opinion, कर्म meaning युद्धकर्म.

 Translation :-How can the army of the son of Dhritarashtra (Duryodhana) exist any longer, now that it is without Bhishma and without Drona, if you, their equal in worth (कक्षा) or valour (कर्म) be not appointed at the head of the army ? कथं भवेत्। may also mean कीदृगवस्थं भवेत्- How will the army fare &c ?

 कृतपरिकरस्य-When you have girded up your loin .

 परिपन्थीभवितम्-Infinitive of परिपन्थीभु, च्वि form from परिपन्थिन्, to resist or oppose.

 परिकल्पित......करणः-परिकाल्पतानि, अभिषेकस्य संबन्धनि उपकरणानि येन सः. With the materials of installation made ready.

 सैनापत्य.....समाश्वासनया-सेनापयस्य स्वयंग्रहः, तस्मिन् प्रणयः,तेन समाश्वासना, तया. By giving him that consolation which must arise from the solicitude with which I shall volunteer myself for the office of Commandership.

ततः प्रविशतः कर्णदुयोधनौ-Here is a short scene representing Karna and Duryodhana in Conference on the latest event of the day and its significance. It serves well to show the tendency of Karna's nature towards cylicism and prepares us for that dialogue, ensuing presently between him and Ashavtthaman, which presents the spectacle of a highly emotional and irritable nature chafing and cursing in answer to the bold affronts of a cool- headed cynic.

 St, 7. तेजस्वी धृतायुधलवाभ्यां बाहुभ्यां रिपुद्दतबन्धुदुःखपारं व्रजति । आचार्यः संख्यै सुतनिधनं निशम्य शस्रग्नसमये विशख्नः किं आसीत् ।

 धतायुधप्लवाभ्यां--आयुधं एव प्लवः धतः आयुधप्लवः याभ्यां ताभ्यां (बाहुभ्याम्), विशस्त्रः–विगतं शत्रं यस्मात् तादृशः.

 Translation :-A high-spirited man would, with hands plying the oar, namely, his weapon, reach the other side of (the ocel namely) his grief over the slaughter of one dear and near to him by the enemy (he gets over his sorrow by seeking revenge). How, then, is it to be accounted for that the worthy teacher (Drona) cast off his weapon in the midst of the fight, on hearing of his son's death when the occassion demanded an active use of the weapon ?

प्लव as denoting 'a boat' or a raft' does not fit in with the idea of being held by the hands (धृतायुधवाभ्यां); for a boat is never so held. So प्लव must be taken as denoting any means of sailing through water, from प्लु 1. Atm, to move forward, and hence ' an oar or the like.