सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/१८६

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Bhatta Naraya-Venissamhara

 The fact. of Drona's being a respectable Brahman and a reverend teacher' is mentioned as a further consideration that should have appealed to the scruples of Yudhishthira's mind.

 P. 36 St. 16, मातुल, येन सैन्युपतिना सह त्वं अद्य रणभुवं, यः एकः शूराणां गुमसमरकण्डनिकषणः, येन भवतः सततं चित्राः परिहासाः अभवन् सः ते स्वसुः श्लाघ्यः भर्ती के नु खलु गतः।

 गुरुसमरकण्डूनिकषणः-गुरुः समरस्य संबन्धिनी कण्डुः तस्याः निक घणः The means of gratifying the inordinate itch for fight. निकषणः from कषु with नि to rub or scratch. निकषति अनेन इति निकृषणः; that by which one scratches the itchy part of one's body and thus gratifies the itching sensation ; hence the means of gratifying the itch.

 Translation :-0 uncle, that praiseworthy husband of your sister, with whom as the general of the army, you proceeded to the battle-field this day, who was the only means Or instrument for gratifying the inordinate itch of the brave for fight, and with whom you used always to exchange varied jokes-whither, indeed, is he gone now?

 परिगतपरिगन्तव्यः-परिगतं परिगन्तव्यं येन सः. One who under stands what ought to be understood, (namely that. One must submit to the inevitable with resignation).

 अलमतिसाहसेन---Away with all thought of too rash or wreckless a step (namely, suicide).

 St. I7 मद्वियोगभयात् तातः इतः परलोकं गतः। अहं वत्सलस्य तस्य पितुः सदा अविरहं करोमि।

 Translation -My father has passed into the other world from here out of fear lest he should be separated from me; let me, therefore, secure, for my loving father, permanent immunity from that pain of separation. The second line is also read as करोमि विरहं तस्य वत्सळस्य कथं पितुः. The meaning is clear.

 संसारः-Worldly life or existence. लोकयात्रा-An established custom or practice of society; a law of society; the procedure usually followed by people.

 पुत्रैः पितरो लोकद्धयेप्यनुवर्तनीयाः-Fathers are to be served or waited upon by sons in both the worlds; in this world, by ministering to their wants and wishes, and, when they have passed into the next world, by performing Shraddha and other rites for them.