सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/१७७

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act III, Notes & Translation

The compound is to be explained just like अश्रुतपूर्व and its kind is described as सुपसुपेति समासः. Here the word ''रव' is used in the sense of some such noise as that of a war-cry or a loud roar', while its established meaning is such petty sound as that of the croaking of a frog or the like. This use of the word in a sense not commonly known is a fault which is called in Sanskrit प्रसिद्धिहत.

 अतिक्रान्तमर्यादेन-अतिक्रान्ता मर्यादा येन सः पारिकोषितः- Past pass. part. of परिकोपय, causal of परिकुप्, Provoked into anger. The adjective अतिक्रान्तमर्यादेन intimates the way in which the effect intimated by पारिकोपितः was produced.

 समुल्लङ्घ्य शिष्यप्रियताम्-Bidding farewell to all feeling of affection due to a pupil; overcoming his habitual feeling of love for pupils.

 St. 5. यद् दुर्योधनपक्षपातसदृशं, यद् अन्नप्रहे रामल्लिब्धसमस्तहेतिगुरुण वीर्यस्य युक्तं, यत् लोके सर्वधनुष्मतां अधिपतैः सांप्रतं, यच्च रुषः अनुकप, तत् कर्म रिपुघस्मरेण मे तातेन नियतं प्रारब्धम्.

 रामालुब्ध...गुरुणःरामात् (परशुरामात्) लब्धाः यै or याः समस्ताः । तयः, तैः or ताभिः गुरु तादृशस्य

 हेति :-A weapon or a missile from हि to send ; that which is Sent forth or discharged, hence, particularly a missile.'

 घस्मर-voracious, from the root घस to eat with the suffix मर (क्मरच); comp. अमर from अद् to eat. नियतुम् adv. undoubtedly.

 Translation:-My father, so accustomed to devouring enemies (i.e. so accustomed to slaughter enemies in large numbers), has undoubtedly commenced some such operation as is called for by his espousing the cause of Duryodhana, as is worthy of that valour which is uncommonly mighty on account of-the whole multitude of missiles obtained from Parasurama at the time of learning the use of missiles, as is expected of one who is reputed as the greatest of archers in the world, and as is well-warranted in a moment of hot rage.

 Another way of construing the sentence would be by taking 'अस्त्रग्रहे’ by itself with ‘युक्त' and connecting सांप्रतं ’ with शौर्यस्य and अनुरूप' with अधिपतेः रुषः, अधिपतेः being construed with 'रुषः' instead of with an independent predicate, यद् अन्नप्राहे युक्त would mean which is compatible with the adoption of arms or of the military profession.