सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/१५७

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act II, Notes & Translation

 ममापि नाम दुर्योधनस्य अनिमित्तानि हृदयक्षोभमाचहान्ति How 5trange that bad omens create a perturbation of mind even in me, Duryodhana !

 सावष्टम्भम्-Proudly, haughtily.

 भजनहृदयप्रकम्पनेषु-भोजनानां हृदयानि प्रकम्पयन्तति (Omens) capable of occasioning tremor in the hearts of cowardly people, capable of alarming cowards.

 'का गणना दुर्योधनस्य एवं विधेषु of what account does Duryodhana. hold omens. like these capable &c.? What recks he of them ?

 गीतश्चायमर्थो$ङ्गिरसा-This very view (the one I am inclined to take about prognostics) is expressed in verse by the sage अङ्गिरस् . The commentator says that the word अङ्गिरसेन in place of अङ्गिरसा would make: the allusion more readily intelligible; for आङ्किरस or बृहस्पति ( आङ्किरस being one of the names of बृहस्पति ) is known to have been the propounder of rationalistic and sceptical views and may well have Written such a verse as the one quoted. But we may suppose that . अङ्गिरस was a similar writer though nothing is known after now,

 st. 15. ग्रहाणां चरितं स्वप्नः तथा अनिमित्तौस्पाति तेभ्यः प्रज्ञा ने बिभ्यति ।

 अनिमित्तौत्पातिकस-अनिमित्तानि च' । (a समाहारद्वन्द्व compound). Bad omens

 काकतालीयमू-adverb formed : काकताल with the suffix 'छ' in the equivalent in sense to काकतालवत्-- crow and the palm tree, that is tc which the palm tree broke iinmediately No the palm.tree did not give way the crow, but the breaking of the tre accidentally. Coincided in time, So one after another in immediate suics cause and effect are likened to the si Breaking of the tree. The phrase काक as an adverb,' accidentally, “by an a

 Translation -It is only by accide motions of planets (or rather their pr