सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/१५१

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act II, Notes & Translation

ing upon. Lastly अस्मदुपाश्रये एकचित्ता- 'with her thoughts exclusively Testing upon our support and favour. To be true to the intended sense, the compound should have the form' अस्मदेकपाश्रयचित्ता. The plural अस्मद् is not in keeping with the singular मम occurring later in the same verse.

 प्रेमनिबद्धमत्सरेण--प्रेम्णा निबद्धः मत्सरः यस्मिन् तत् (मनः) Where jealousy is excited by love.

 Translation:--This ladv, whose heart rests upon me as its sole resort, has surely herself fancied some slight error in me with an imagination in which jealousy has been excited by love, and is consequently angry with me all the more so owing to the very circumstance of my being so dear to her.

 अतिशयितदिव्यरूपिणः-अतिशयिताः दिव्याः (प्राणिनः ) येन तत् अतिशयितादेयं (रूप); then with the Taddhita, suffix, इन्, denoting possession, the form अतिशयितदिव्यरूपी is arrived at; अतिशयितदिब्यरूपं विद्यते अस्य इति । Possessed of a beauty of form surpassing that of celestial beings.

 नकुलस्य दर्शनेन उत्सुका जाता हृतहृदया च-I became eager and my heart was ravished at the sight of the ichneumon.

 The ambiguity of the word नकुल as meaning both an ichheumon and the fourth of the Pandavas occassions great misapprehension, though for a moment only, in Duryodhana' sunsteady mind, especially on account of the circumstance that Duryodhana does not know yet that Bhanumati is describing only a dream and no adventure from real life.

 तत्किमया..विप्रलब्धः --Have I been deceived then by this wretch (apparently )so deep in love with the son of Madri?

 मादीसुते ( नकुले ) अनुरक्ता- Completely attached to the son of Madi, कुलटाविमलभ्यमान....किं वक्ष्यसि :--'What will you say now, you who made so much of yourself though cuckolded all the while by an unfaithful wife?' can you hold up our head now ? किं न वक्ष्यसि or किं किं न वक्ष्यसि is also read in place of किं वक्ष्यसि । The interpretation which can be put upon the sentence then is:-' You who hitherto thought so highly of yourself though cheated all the while by an unfaithful wife, how many things would you not say now-how many things would you now