सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

tion, though civil, becomes good if under the planet Budha. And going with the moon's power you will obtain full success. संवाद्यताम्=bring to an agreement, compar. कृतान्त means both शास्त्र or science as in Gila XVIII., 13, and the god of death. Both senses are intended. Soc then explained in the commentary. आविर्भूत, &c. The trees in the garden in the morning cast their shadows towards the west, where the sun is going, hence they are supposed to act, as it were, as the sun's devoted servants. In the evening: the sun goes towards the west, while the shadows lengthen out towards the east, and hence are supposed to desert him in adversity. अपर , &c=when the disc of the sun is tossed down the side of the western mountain. For the last line Cf. Viracharita, p. 21. For quotations, scc Das'arapa, 12, 47, and Sahitya-Darpana, p.16).

Act V.

 P. 219. लेख &c See p. 88 et seq.ही, &c. see p. 186 supra and note there. The figure in this stanza is criticised by Professor Wilson as not "natural to the style of the composition of the period to wbich the dramı belongs." But नीतिपादप and its flowers are spoken of in Kalidasa (Malavikagnimitra, p. 10), and in Bhavabhûti (Viracharita, p. 93), and the further elaboration of the figure here is scarcely open to the criticism bestowed upon it. The metre is Aryâ.अशकुन, &c. (p. 220). Cf. p. 211 supra. संमतम्= acceptable, as he wants his journey to be interrupted, and to fall into the hands of Malayaketu's officers. For the genitive in आर्हतानाम् (p. 221 ) see Siddhi. Kaum. I, 294. लोकोत्तरैर्मार्गै:=by paths which are not accessible to all people. Cf. a summary of the view of the Ârhatas given in the Sarvadars'anasangraha, p. 52. प्रस्थान, &c.=busy in preparing for a journey. शकुनः (p. 222 )=a good omen, which will direct you well on your way. मुण्डित, &c= you ask whether the Nakshatras are proper for shaving, after having shaved. Cf. Sarasvatikanthâbharaṇa, p. 14. There are sundry occasions, now observed as unfavourable for shaving. सावगाणं (p. 223) should be सावगा ण and in the छाया it should be श्रावक न अनिवारितः & c=ingress and egress were quite uncontrolled, free. - अमुद्रालाञ्छितः=not marked by the signet or seal, probably meaning not possessing a passport so marked. At pp. 226, 230,

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