सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

might involve danger to it indirectly. The metre of the stanza īs Sârdûlavikriţita. प्रत्यभिजानासि-do you recognise ?

 P. 255.भूपणवल्लभ=fond of ornaments, यै: &C.-The ornaments are compared to the Nakshatras, and the face of Parvates'vara to the moon, on an evening in the Sarad season. The metre of the stanza is Vasantatilaka. चाणक्यप्रयुक्तेन =employed, set on, by Chanakya. चन्द्रगुप्तस्य, &c. You wicked man have made us the price to be paid for these to Chandragupta, who sells them hoping for a more valuable acquisition in return. As to कल्पित, Cf. p. 132 supra. सुश्लिष्ट:-well put together. See Mâlatîmâdhava, p. 59, and Cf. Murâri, p. 69 (दुःश्लिष्ट). संप्रतिपत्ति:=admission. ग्राम्यमुत्तरम् =not weighty, not satisfactory, defence. Medini gives प्राकृत as a synonym for ग्राम्य. The metre is S'ârdûlavikridita. परिचरणपर: =always attending on you, following your wishes. स्वमतमनुगता: =following your own views. एवमयुक्तव्याहारिणा, &c=you have yourself, in saying these improper things, given the answer to your own question. The answer is, there is nothing to tempt me to such a disreputable proceeding, and that shows you are wrong in thinking I have done it. The metre is Sragdharâ. परिभावधाम (p. 257)=object of contempt. कृतधियाम्-of refined minds. Cf. p. 159 supra.लोकस्य परीक्षका:=good judges of men. क्षाता:-destroy- ed. पुंसां प्रयत्नछिद:-counteracting and frustrating the efforts of man. विषमा=fearful. Cf. Bhartrihari (Niti), st. 97 and note there, विश्रम्भप्रवण:=disposed to be confiding, full of faith. कथाशेपतां नीत: Cf. Kumára, IV., 13. आहितगौरवेण &c. (p. 258)=placing a high value on the counsellorship. प्रलय:=destruction, death. रिपौ goes with विक्रेतुम्. Cf. p. 255 supra. "You have commenced the process of our destruction for the purpose of selling us as so much flesh to the enemy." For the construction Cf. Venîsamhâra, p. 37. The metre of the stanza is S'ârdûlavikridita. गण्डस्योपरि स्फोटः FT: Cf. S'âkuntala, p. 61. हन्त, &c.=alas, the enemy has taken possession of my heart itself. भूमि=my lands, dominions.श्वभ्र (p. 259)=ditch. सर्वात्मना=not half and half, but wholly and entirely.त्रिवर्ग=धर्मार्थकाम. दुर्नयः :=misconduct, Cf. inter alia Priyadars’ikâ, p. 42, Kathâsaritsagara, Taranga 15, st. 50.

 P. 260. धूमययन्त:=darkening. क्लिश्नन्त: here is not exactly अभिभवन्त: as at p. 167, as the commentary interprets it; here it seems to mean diminishing the deep darkness of the colour, the

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