सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Murâri, p. 143) seem to show that श्र्द्धा means, in this con- text, something like hope. The Medini gives it as meaning काङ्क्षा. सत्त्वोत्कर्षात्, &c=that sword the power of which, in consequence of its great virtue, has been seen by my enemies, in the test of battle--now moves to some work of daring, me who am unable to govern myself in consequence of affection for my friend. As to विवश Cf. अवश at p. 283 supra, and Gîtà VIII., 19. Kathasaritsagara Taranga XXIII., st. 13, Mrichchhakatika, p. 340. The metre of the stanza is Mandâkrântâ. पिशुनित (p. 290) =indicated, suggested. Cf. Meghadŵta, st. 49. प्रतिपत्तुम्'स्थूलाक्षरैः युक्तः भागः'=to understand, know. Cf. Bhartrihari (Vairâgya), st. 99, and note.

 P. 291.यथार्थो राक्षसः: See p. 234 supra. ही हिमाणहे. See p. 219 supra. (The order of speeches according to B. N. H. is to be preferred]. अमात्यपादा: is a respectful mode of speaking of अमात्य. Similar expressions are गुरुपादाः:, आचार्यपादाः &c., and Cf तातपादाः at Uttararâmacharita. p. 168-9. निर्वापितः=extinguished अपूर्वं पुरुषम् (p. 292)=unfamiliar person. C£. Kathâsaritsagara Taranga XVIII., st. 364, Taranga XIX., st. 83. आत्मनो जीवितं रक्षन्तो ayat-for saving their own lives, lest on the rescue of the person ordered to be hanged they should themselves be treated as the hangmen of S'akatadása were. त्वरायित:=hastened, expedited. शत्रोर्मतेन-with the assent of the enemy,viz. Chanakya. वधाधिकृते:=the hangmen, the men appointed to the work of killing. अथ=But if. See p. 178 supra. I prefer to take the antecedent clause in the third line as अथ न , simply, equivalent to, but if not--that is to say, "if he was not brought to me with the assent of the enemy." The commentator's construction is rather forced, I think. Then कृतकं तादृग्लखम् will mean a fabricated writing of that sort, or कृतकं तादृक्कष्टम्, as our text has it, would mean such a sinful fabrication; as to कष्ट meaning evil or sinful. Cf. Siddh. Kaum. II., 229, and note there. तर्कारूढा embarking on guesses. The metre of the stanza is Hariņi. प्रथमम्-on the former occasion. नीति:=schemes of policy. कालान्तरेण= after some interval of time. See p. 152 मत्कृतां व्यापत्तिम्= calamity caused by myself, viz. by entrusting my people to his charge. As to व्यापत्ति Cf. Bhartrihari (Vairâgya), sti. 105, and note thereon. ज्ञातम्= I know it, or I have it. निष्क्रय =exchange ransom. Cf. Raghu II., कल्यामि see परिकल्पित at p. 242 supra, and pote thereon, and see, too, Raghu V., 28, XI 51, 93. The metre of the stanza is Sragdharâa

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