सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

responsible official know all about this matter." The Vaitâlikas generally appear in pairs in our plays. In the Murári Nataka, however (P. 16), only one appears.

 P. 167.छविमभिभवता =of superior brightness.भस्मना शुक्लयन्ती , Cf, Ritusambara III., 4. As applied to as it stands for the भस्म, which Siva is represented as having always on his body. Cf. Kumâra V., 69. As applied to शरद् it seems to refer to the white clouds, which are like भस्म. I do not think the commentator's explanation suits the construction, though it probably indicates the intended sense, in this double entendre. The काशुपुष्प is spoken of as making the earth white in the Ritusamhâra III., 2, ऐभीकृत्ति as applied to ऐशीतनु, is the skin of Gajâsura which Siva is represented as wearing. Cf. Kumâra V., 67, and here जलधरमलिन- must mean darkish like a cloud. In the other case, apparently the sky itself is to be understood by ऐभिकृत्ति, like which it may be supposed to look, and जलं-darkish by reason of the clouds. क्लिश्नती=literally afflicting, it means counteracting the impression of the darkish colour. कापाली, &c., refers to the wreath of skulls which S'iva wears. Kumâra V., 178, and Cf. Bhartrihari (Vairagya), st. 29, and note. The इव here goes with कौमुदी=moonlight. In the other case, the construction must be, bright moonlight like the wreath of skulls. According to the usual course with such stanzas the double meaning in the previous lines should be expressed as they are in the third line. But as above stated the construction of those previous lines does not apparently suit this, though the commentator's explanation is based on that view. इत्यपूर्वा=extraordinary in the way stated. हास्य, &c=the beauty of the smile in which is like the Râjahamsa—alluding to the bright white colour of the teeth; as applied to शरद्=the Râjahamsas in which are like a beautiful smile, i. e. white. As to the Râjahamsa in शरद् .Cf. Ritusamhâra III., 2. ऐशित्तनुः:=the body of Is'a or S'iva. The metre of this stanza is Sragdharâ, as is that of the next also. प्रत्यग्र , &c.—May you be ever protected by the halfclosed eyes of Hari, who is desirous of leaving his broad bed, the body of Sesha, having for its pillow his group of hoods--the eyes which look side-long owing to their recent opening after sleep, which avoid for an instant the flames of the jewel-lamps, which are slow at performing their functions, in which drops of water have been pro-

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