सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

same as in चाणक्यमतिपरिगृहीत at p. 111 supro. For अयम्, &c., signifying "the meaning of these words." Cf. the construction at Uttararâmacharita, p. 199 (एष ते काव्यार्थः:). विजिगीषु=aspiring, ambitious. C£. p. 312 infra. and Murâri, p. 114. आआत्मगुणसंपन्नः= possessed of similar qualities, tastes, feelings, &c., as one's-self. प्रियहितद्वारेण=through the intervention of one who is beloved and friendly. ननु न्याय्य एवायमर्थ:=This is certainly a very proper thing that &c. नन्वमात्य, &c.=but certainly the minister Rakshasa is most beloved by us and most friendly to us. जितकाशी. See p. 109 supra.

 P. 196. नन्दान्वयः=Chandragupta was a scion of the family of the Nandas, though not a legitimate one. Cf. p. 115 supra. - सुहृजनापेक्षया = out of regard for his friends, संदधीत= might make a treaty with (संधिं कुर्यात्). Cf. Murâri, p. 95.अये स्मृतम् see p. 191 supra,सत्व &c. (p. 197). The suspicion about Rakshaşa is already telling practically on Malayaketu. सत्वभङ्ग=giving offence. विवृतार्येषु &c.=in unrestrained conversation where matters are frankly and openly stated. The use of अन्यता अन्यता should be noticed. It is similar to that of अन्य अन्य, and different from the English- one way, another way, गहन=deep, not easily to be comprehended. परिक्छेत्तुम्=to define, to understand accurately. Cf. Málatîmâdhava, pp. 54-5, and note thereon. मह वअणेन. (p. 198) corresponds to the Sanskrit मद्वचनत् See p. 85 supra. उपश्लोकयितव्यः: see p. 146 supra. मानितो, &c., received with respect by the people. The implication of the stanza is that the one is a चन्द्र in name only, the other is such by his merits, and that the one is acceptable to and gratifies only a small knot of people, the other more generally, The metre of the stanza in Anushtub. परिपाटी (p. 200 ) series-- though here the series consists only of two stanzas. Cf.प्रणामपरिपाटी. in Prasanna Raghava, p. 36, see, too, p. 65. चाटुपरिपाटी in Mallikaamaaarutaa, p. 244. भेदभीज=seed of dissension. सद्यः क्रीडारसक्छेद=- interruption, even for a short time, of the enjoyment of sport or amusement. प्राकृत:-a mean, ordinary fellow. लोकाधिकधाम =power transcending that of all men. Cf. Raghu II., 75, and comment of Mallinâth thereon. एवमेतत्= quite true. Malayaketu applies the sentiment uttered by Rakshasa to his own case.कलुपित (p. 201 ), see p. 154 supra, and Cf. Das'akamaracharita, p. 76, and kiraata III.,6 प्रसङ्गसूचितम् = suggested by the occasion. न तथा,

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