सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

dramas, see Das'arûpa, p. 58. दैवोपहताः:- ill-fated, Cf.p.274, infra. कथोपोद्धात- mentioning such a thing as this. Cf. Viracharita, p. 78. The meaning of the following stanza is this:---"Let the pillars of the palace be fumigated and have white Châmars and flowers put on them, and let the floors be sprinkled over with flowers and sandal-water." For the quotations in the commentary, see Kuvalayânanda, p. 77. सिंहाङ्कासन is Chandragupta's throne, the weight of which is supposed to be the burden on the earth, for which a sprinkling of sandal-water and flowers is the remedy suggested. सुविश्रब्धैरङ्गैः (p. 150)=with limbs showing no nervous fluttering but self-confidence. दम्य =youthful, requiring training and experience. The double meaning of the words as applying to a young bullock and Chandragupta should be noticed. The metre of the stanza is S'ikhariņi. राजधर्मा &c.=one who wishes to be true to the duties of kings. The sequence of ideas down to the end of the second line of the following stanza is clear. In the third and fourth lines the idea is this: if a king's function is properly to pay more regard to others' interests than to his own, then he becomes a servant or dependent, and how can one dependent on another get a taste of happiness? The metre of the stanza is Sikhariņi. आत्मवान्=possessed of self-restraint. Cf. Gîtâ II., 45 inter alia. संतिष्टते, see Siddh. Kaum. II., 243. विद्वत्सु, &c. Cf. Vikramorvas'î. p. 162. एकान्तभीरु=always timid. लब्धप्रसर-who has acquired a considerable field for her occupation. प्रसर is interpreted to mean प्रकर्प by Mallinâth on Mâgha III., 35, and see Kâdambarî, p. 106. दुःखोपचया-difficult to serve. Cf. दुराराध्या four lines above this, and cf. Kâdambarî, p. 104. The metre of the stanza is S'ârdûlavikridita.

 P. 152. कृतक=literally artificial; here sham. Cf. Kirâta VIII. 46. कालान्तरं-interval of time. कथमपि=with difficulty, see the note on किमपि at Malatîmâdhava, p. 13. पातक-- Cf. Chandakaus'ika, p. 5. I am inclined to differ from the commentator's explanation of the stanza, which follows. अतः परतरम् seems to me to mean, as to any independence beyond this, viz., beyond the sort explained in the third line. To take it to mean independence other than the temporary one proposed by Chânakya, is to disconnect the stanza from the observation अथ वा at &c., with which it is connected by कुतः. Chandragupta, by that observation and its corroboration in the following stanza is endevouring really to satisfy his own mind

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