सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:भगवद्गीता (आनिबेसेण्ट्, भगवान्दासश्च).djvu/२२

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

 Atma, crude form Atman, is a typical form, and occurs very frequently in the Gita in the singular number.

lst. आत्मा    [ v. 21 ]
2nd. आत्मानम्   [ vi. 5 ]
3rd. आत्मना   [ vi. 5 ]
4th. आत्मने  
5th. आत्मनः  
6th. आत्मनः   [ vi. 6]
7th. आत्मनि   [vi. 21]

 Neuter nouns in their case-endings except in those of the first and second cases, generally follow the masculine.

'Thus कर्म crude form कर्मन्, has:

 1st. कर्म (xviii. 8) कर्मणी कर्माणि (ix. 9 )
 2nd (iii. 8) ( vi. 30 )

The feminine in इ may be taken as an example of the feminine declensions :

1st. मति:  ( XVIll. 78)
2nd. बुद्धिं  (iii. 2)
Brd. बुद्धया  ( गi. 39 )
4th. मत्यै or मतये
5th. बुद्धेः  (iii. 43 ) or बुद्धयाः
6th. ,,
7th. बुद्धौ  (ii, 49 )

 (b) Adjectives and adverbs &c. Adjectives, words indicative of the qualities ’ of nouns, are declined in the same way as the latter, and when not compounded with these are always in apposition with them.