सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
P. 104, 1. 16.–कथान्तरेणान्तरिन्तम्, “this which I was going to say, but
which I could not say on account of the introduction of another
subject" . Lit. कथान्तरेणान्तरितम्, ‘separated or put off by a
different story.
P 106, 1. 1–विदर्भगतम्, “the matter concerning the Vidarbh.
P. 105, 1. 8–MS G has मौद्गल्यमनुमन्यते।
P. 105, 1. 12.-जोविदसंसआदो- Cf . note on p. 66, 1. 3
P. 105 , 1. 18.-MS. G reads नृपतेः for “ नृपती."
P. 106, 1. 4–देवस्य सेनापतेः. Cf. note on p. 90, 1, 5. Mark the addition
of देवस्य to the name of सेनापतिः पुष्पमित्रः, whereas वोरसेन in 1. 1 is
styled simply सेनापतिः
P. 106 1. 7.-सोपचारकम्. An adverb G has सोपचारम्.
P. 106, 1. 9.-अम्हहे तदोमुहं एव्व णो हिअअं. ’My heart has already been
eagerly expecting to hear some news about my son’ तदोमुहम्, lit.
’looking towards that” ’with face turned towards that’ तदो, scil,
the affairs of her son.
P. 106, 1. 12—यज्ञशरणात्. Construe with "अनुदर्शयति."
यज्ञशरणात्, “from the sacrificial compound,’ ‘यज्ञस्थानात्’ ‘यज्ञमण्डपाद्वा. This marks
the place whence the epistle was despatched. Cf. “अग्निशरणम्"
Śâkuntala, p. 105, 1. 17, Calc. Ed. 1860. Also ॐ अग्निशरणाद्गच्छता महेन्द्रमन्दिरम्, ” Vikramorvaśî, Act III.
P. 106, 1.13 .—वैदिशस्थम्. See note on p. 92, 1. 5.
P. 107, 1. 2.-सिन्धोः. G's reading, सिद्धार्थो for “ सिन्धोः,” is, if correct,
deserving of particular attention.
P. 107, 1, 10. -अंशुमतेव सगरः See Wilsons Vishnu Purana, p. 377
el seqq.
P. 107, 1. ll-कालहीनम्, ‘ without delay’. Lit. without time
P. 107, 1. 11–विगतरोषचेतस. It is not known whether there was any
misunderstanding or quarrel between Agnimitra and his father.
We can only understand the propriety of विगतरोषचेतसा by sup-