सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

P. 102, 1. 6.-आपतदुष्प्रसहम् °,terrifying by its very first appearance.'
P. 102, 1. 14– G reads दुर्जाते for “दुर्जातेः” and भर्तृप्रिया for. भर्तृप्रियः
P. 102, 1. 14.-इमां परोप्सुः, ‘ desirous of defending this girl.-दुर्जातेः
P. 103, 1, 4–सफलीकृतभर्तृपिण्डः, 'who showed that he had not in vain
eaten his master's salt Lit. पिण्डः, 'food,’ ‘ a morsel of rice.'
MS. G reads सफलो कृतभर्तृप्रतिज्ञः.
P. 103, 1. I0.MS. G reads युक्तः सुजनस्यैवं पन्थाः
P. 104, 1. 2. स्नानीयवस्त्रक्रियया उपयुच्यते, ‘is used as a bathing-cloth' A
स्नानीयवस्त्र is any piece of old and worn out cloth tied round the
waist (the Hindus never bathe naked) at the time of bathing.
It may likewise refer to such a cloth used to wipe the body
with after bath.
P.104, 1. 3.–अणाचख्खन्तोए &c. Cf. Ratnâvalî, Act Iv. , ‘ भो अणाच
ख्खिदोवि एदस्स अभिप्पाओ मए जाणिदो” &c.p. 64, 1. 22, Cal. Ed.
Sam 1921
P. 104, 1. 9—पितरि जवति. MS G has परिदोव्यन्ती for “पितरि जीवति
लोकयात्रागतेन सिद्धादेशेन साधुना, ’by a certain divine personage of
infallible preternatural powers, who had assumed the human
form.' सिद्धादेश means, .’whose order is effectual, i.e. prosperous,
form whose word, whether conveying a prediction, command, or
wish, is infallibly fulfilled. A Sadhu is one who, by holy works
and abstinence from all worldly concerns, has acquired supernatural powers to work miracles. One, in short, who is a divine
person . Persons like Kabîra, Râmadasa, Tukârâma, and others
of more modern ages, are popularly called Sâdhus. लोकयात्रागतेन ,
  • while living in this mortal world. Lit. लोकयात्रा is the 'fair or
show of this life.' Cf. supra p. 108, 1. 3. On सिद्धादेश and आदिष्टा
cf. Ratnâvalî, Act IV. (pp. 53, 64, Calc. Ed. Sam. 1921]);
where the whole scene seems to be borrowed from the present
one of our play.