सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

passages in it are each accompanied by a Sanskrit translation immediately following it. It ends thus :-श्रीमत्कालिदासकृतं मालविकाग्निमित्रं नाम नाटकं संपूर्णमस्तु ।। श्रीकाशीविश्वेश्वरार्पणमस्तु ।। शके १७२६ रक्ताक्षी नामसंवत्सरे आषाढवद्य सप्तमी भानुवासरे मुकाम शिरहटी समाप्तः । ग्रन्थसंख्या ११५० छ। The Ms. is, therefore, just 65 years old. It contains forty-seven oblong leaves of a bluish kind of thick paper. I have given this the name F. The six MSS. from A to F were collated at first and the present edition prepared, with no expectation of obtaining more MSS. for collation. 'These six MSS. are designated f "our MSS.” in the Notes, critical and explanatory, accompanying the present edition. But through the kindness of Mr. Gangiah of Bangalore, obtained, after the whole text had been put into type,

 (7) An excellent MS.in the Telagu character, written on palmyra leaves, 28 in number. It is a very correct MS, almost free from error, having been copied by a Shâastrî. It is forty-three years old, as we see from the following: {{bold|श्रीरामभद्र गुरुचरणारविन्दाभ्यो नमो नमः । व्ययसंवत्सरे चैत्रबहुले १३ त्रयोदशी गुरुवासरे नृसुह्मसूरिसूनुना योगानृसुह्मेण लिखितमिदं नाटकं स्वकीयमेव नान्यदीयम् । श्रीराम | Though all the various readings of this MS, which I have named G, are not given, in the footnotes, the principal of them have either, wherever it seemed

It goes on thus :-

रागाख्यवह्निमित्रं यन्नeटकं लिखितं मया ।
नृसिह्मसूनुना योगानृसिंहेण मुदायुतम् ।।
पाथोबिन्दुसरो नृसिंहतनयो योगानृसिंहाभिधः।
श्रीमत्काव्ययवंशवारिधिविधुर्वर्षे व्यये चैत्रके
श्रीमन्मालविकाग्र -[sic. ]-मित्रममलं दर्शे लिलेख स्वयम् ।

 The last stanza though carved like the whole Ms is yet uninked, and seems, accordingly, to have been subsequently added. This, as well as the exigencies of the metre, would account for the mention दर्श as the date on which the MS. was written.